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2002-02-17 - 12:40 a.m.

i watched three movies today. and i didn't even need to pay for any of them!

wow, talk about a kick ass day.

i love my sugar daddy. (randi for all of you who're too stupid to figure it out on your own.)

well, first off i watched moulin rouge. yeah, i haven't seen it before so the whole time i was thinking, "geez, i almost live life like this. breaking out into other peoples songs and all."

and then, i played a little gran turismo. i finally beat the last two races in the rally part and i was all stoked when i got an escudo for beating 'em all. i mean, i was so stoked that when randi picked me up a few minutes later, i was super giddy. i mean, i was so giddy that i ran out of the house without even remembering to grab my shoes! if it weren't for my mom, i'd have completely forgoten them. no, seriously, i would.

and then, randi and i went to go see black hawk down because she hadn't seen it and i just love that story. i mean, c'mon. i've read the book three times, and riddley scott directed it. how can i not love it? it's riddley scott! the guy who directed gladiator!

after that we went to randi's house and watched evolution. ahh, another great movie. yessire, david duchovney at his best. his humor is like... subtle. orlando jones is in his voice and delivery. both of them are nothing like jim carey who is all sight gag humor.

but anyway... after that we played grand theft auto 3. oh yeah, plus randi's parents fed me. i finished two plates of food in the time it took them to finish their one plate. plus they were eating for a while by the time we got there. randi took notice and asked "geez, do you breath when you eat?" to which i responded "i breath while i'm chewing." which is true. i breath while i chew my food and then i swallow and immediately stuff more food in there. why waste time?

and after we blew up a lot of things and killed more than enough people, my dad picked me up.

ah, how i love video games...

i have this feeling that i'm leaving something out...

oh well, i dont remember it so i'll throw in something else to take up space.

the scented candle that randi gave me for valentines, i think it's been giving me erotic dreams. for example, two nights ago, i lit it up for the first time and i had a nice ole wet dream that night. so, when i woke up, i just attributed it to my not jerking off and needing some form of release, because y'know. all that shit they teach you in health about the body just soaking it back up? it doesn't happen that way. if it did, you wouldn't have so many horny guys with blue balls.

and then last night, i woke up dreaming about pounding some random chick without a discernable face. i'm not saying that she didn't have a face, i'm saying that i dont remember who she was so she must've been like... i dont know, i probably just dont remember because it was more than half a day ago. but yeah, so i told randi, if i have another one tonight, i'm blaming it on the candle.

imagine if i had a room full of those?


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