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2002-02-15 - 10:37 p.m.

okay, so uh... yeah.

i dont know how to start off tonights entry. hmm...

well, i got to listen to toxicity the first thing this morning. i swear to god, there's no better way to start the day than some heavy metal shit. no, i'm serious, it really wakes you up! i mean, loud noises first thing in the morning is better than coffee to wake my fat ass up.

unless they sound like alarm clocks that is.

but randi that turd tried to get my ass kicked by two girls that can beat up most people i know. she told me to go fight with erin, and then erin told me to go fight with emily because erin was holding a lot of stuff in her arms, so i went to go pick a fight with emily. but then emily just stood there looking all sad like and pointed at randi like "you! i'm gonna git you!" well, not exactly, but yeah. so i went back into the car and rocked out somemore to System of a Down.

or did that happen yesterday? shit... i dont know.

and then, um...

oh, in period four, i dont think that mrs. williams cares that we copy anymore. she said "okay, now go take your paper back so everyone else can copy now." so what'd i do? i did everyones assignment. and when she said that we did it a little bit wrong, instead of doing everyones again, i just put all our names on the corrected one. she accepted it. i mean fuck, why lie anymore?

in period 5, boss bought me lunch. she bought me this garlic chicken plate that was really heavy on the garlic. I MEAN REALLY HEAVY! like so much that i couldn't stand it. almost.

and then when i was looking to get a drink to combat the dragon breath that i had, i found i had 15 cents. so when i took a note to kyle i borrowed 50 cents from him. props to you kyle. but when i bought my drink, i couldn't even drink it. why? i had to take notes and guide some irate parents to their childrens class rooms. and then, as soon as i get back to eat again, right as my ass is about to touch the chair, the god damned bell rings. i was so sad.


and after school, me, randi, aarika (my other girlfriend), joanne, and joan went to randi's house as joanne's birthday. yeah, we watched dogma because they hadn't seen it yet. and joanne managed to get on my angry side for a good 30 minutes by saying Kevin Smith sucks. i so wanted to crack her. i got for real angry at that. man... shit... and she said clerks sucks. granted everyone else says that too and i'm the only person who likes clerks, besides maybe jenna and wago, but she said kevin smith sucks after seeing only one movie! what the fuck is up with that!

but by the middle of the movie i forgot i was angry at her.

and besides, i was busy contemplating something else...

i was talking to joan and i said something about brian masturbating thinking about her. of course i wouldn't know brain's masturbatory dreams because well, for one, i'm not brian, and secondly, i'm not there when he is masturbating because well... that would just be a little too homo for me. well, anyway, after saying "eww gross!" she stopped (rather quickly) and asked "for real? does he?" i got all confused. asking myself "is she for real? does she really wanna know? why does she wanna know? maybe she likes brian?" all these questions were flashing in my mind. like, i went through all these questions in about a half-hours time. i dont know... i still am confused.

and then, after the movie, they started making girl talk. so i went to go play with chewey, randi's bunny. and then i guess joan didn't like it either because she came and started to mess around with randi's weight machine. she has problems with 50 lbs. i probably do too.

and then i decided, ah screw this, i'm gonna go play video games. so i played grand theft auto till i had to go home.

when i came home, i decimated in rally races in gt3. all i need is two more in the rally series and i have all of em won. too good. bah, fuck that. i suck.

and then i went to some weird thing for project grad. actually, it wasn't weird, but it was that concession stand thing at the theater. so yeah, i talked to aarika. we had a nice little date. well, i was more like a third wheel because she needed to go make nice nice with jon's mom.

i'm still hungry. i didn't eat dinner tonight really. i ate left over spanish rice, but i'm still hungry.

stupid growth spurts.

and shit... i left my magazines in hamel's room today. i hope no one stole them.

plus aarika needs to live with a gay man since she cant cook, clean, or sew.

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