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2002-02-22 - 10:39 p.m.

uh... hmm...

so, yeah.

jesse told me that the anarchist's most important tool is the pen because the pen helps spread your message around. so i told him to write on money and then we proceeded to sexually harass each other.

and the centipede that mrs. williams had in her class.

well, we didn't really sexually harass it. i just wrote "hello!! :)" on a piece of tape and put it inside the centipedes container.

and in news writing, hamel publicly upgraded me from recycling bitch/stud to paste up bitch because my anal retentive nature and ability to stay calm allows me to do paste up like a mutha fucka.

no more recycling for me, that goes to luke and mark, the two crappy writers.


and in period 5, i mostly read the news paper. none of this going to inouye's for me. damn, i so love that class.


leadership involved us doing our work before teruya returns to bitch us out for not getting more done.

and in english, fukutomi got some work done. we did the vocab test, and got started on hamelt. on the last day shes here. oh well, teruya's probbaly gonna blame it on us, and then george and kevin and brandon are gonna blame it on her and i'm just gonna sit on the side quietly and let her duke it out with them. at least we're ahead of period 6.

and in rotc, i again did menial work becuase it's all the trust me with and it's all i want to do. i love myself sometimes.

anyway, randi let me drive to school and to my house where i became her prostitue. after having sex on the kitchen counter... oh wait, i dont have a kitchen counter... i guess we didn't have sex. well, anyway, before she left and used my bathroom, she paid me a dollar. i feel like such a whore. randi, you damn "john."

by the way, for those of you who dont know, a "john" is what cops call a guy who buys a prostitute during an undercover operation.

shit... i'm looking at my UH app and i still haven't done it. fuck, i didn't even open it myself. randi opened it for me. and once she put it back in the envelope, i haven't taken it out.

fuck college. i'm gonna be a bum.

i still haven't played my PS2. dammit.

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