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2002-02-21 - 9:36 p.m.

uh... yeah

anyway, UH beat Tulsa something like 86-85. i swear to god i was bitting my god damned fingers in the last half of the game. man, i was all freakin' out about it. i swear to god that i couldn't contain myself. i was all loud and shit, i'm usually never loud during sporting events, but i was yelling at the TV for UH to start getting more offensive on the boards when they took out shimanovich. yeah man, shimanovich was working hard on the boards. he was especially really working those offensive boards. and savovich and english were baggin' the threes NBA style. dude, at least savo's gotta be drafted second round. english, i dunno... maybe. maybe...

it'd be really funny if savo ends up in miami with AC carter. well, not so much funny, but kinda neat i guess.

so, anyway.

in period 2, fukutomi didn't get any work done. again. we talked. first she had shannon talk about her field trip to the opera thing. and then, she asked me and tiffany about rotc, i started on this tyranical rant about how leo was the first black commie i'd ever seen and people took it in a racist/facist style rant and adam took it personally being all offended that i called him "yellow" and i was like "what the fuck? i'm a dirty jap, what do you care?"

shit, if blacks can call themselves nigga's and italians can call themselves wop's or whatever etc. i can call myself yellow and dirty jap.

so, anyway, then fukutomi goes off on her own tangen and i decide to shut up in a vain attempt that maybe she'll shut up. god... i cant wait till teruya comes back and straightens things out. but anyway... jevon somewhere chimmed in this story about something, so fukutomi asked him if he had anymore stories, so he told this one about when this big guy walked into the guitar store he works at and bought a set of strings. then some minutes later, he comes back and the strings are all bussup and crumpled and the guy asks for his money back and blah blah blah... jevon tells it better because he has subtle hand motions. not like me, i go for the over kill.

and then she asked if there were any more stories, so i decided to tell my getting hit in a parking lot story. i had the whole class captivated. i mean the bell rang and all but people didn't leave. they stood there waiting for me to finish my story. my attention whore side was very VERY pleased.

i'm such an ass.


in period four, we had a sub, so me and dick played rummy and this is how it ended, 8-3-1. 8 wins, 3 losses, and 1 tie game. that's how much better at rummy i am then him. oh, and then we played spit-poker. i won more games of that too. and then we played 21 and i kept winning. jesse that unlucky bastard couldn't win more than 1 game of 21 or spit. he says thats why he doesn't gamble. i have to agree with him on that. and james that retard is planning on making a pizza run tomorrow. but he doesn't have a ride or anyone with a ride. he says he's gonna carry it from the pizza hut back to school. i decided to opt out of it. i sure as hell aint gonna waste my money feeding security.

the bastards.

and in period 5, i cut TA. akamine wasn't there so i signed in and went to inouye's class. i sat there the whole period listening to them talk about poetry. god damn, garry is such an idiot, it's hilarious. he's the epitome of NHS- long on intelligence, short on common sense. i love it. i belong in that class too. i dont care if i'm a senior in an AP english class, the discussions that occur are so much better than what i have in teruya's english. i should've signed up for AP english. no, i wouldn't be able to handle the class work. i'm too damn lazy.

but yeah. i spent the period cracking jokes about gary with shannon.

i know randi and shannon don't like each other, but i'm not one of the guys who gets angry at someone just because my friend is angry at them. i'm one of those guys who loves everyone until they piss me off personally.

i love myself sometimes.

but not physically.

and in period six, i forget what i did, but it did involve doing nothing.

and afterschool, i got to do work for news writing. first off, i got to touch the computers, and second off, i have been removed from recycling bitch detail. i was going to be recycling stud, or as hamel put it "recycling stuuuuud..." carrying out the end of stud, but i didn't want to be that. after impressing them with my ability to do layout, i am now the layout bitch. it's easy. my anal retentive attention to detail allows me to make it straight and in the lines. i could probably do the whole layout myself. well, maybe not because i'm not really good at the whole "this picture looks funny... let's re-do it." i think i'm good at just the cut and paste thing. once everything is approved, then they can send it my way and i can do it. yeah, that's more my thing. oh, and i also got to rethink a new headline for paddling. jenna wanted "paddle me blue" and so did i, but kyle just ignored her and said screw you (unsaid actually). so jenna kept laughing for a good five minutes. ahh... good times.

plus me and jenna wanna go uncensored in our final issue. i want to write something about jesse because i promissed him that i'd expose antenocruz's dictatorship. i owe it to the man.

ah, journalism, it seems to be my calling.

shit... i haven't had time to spend with my PS2 lately, i'm becoming sad now. harumph.

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