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2002-02-25 - 9:06 p.m.

okay, these were my first reactions after looking in my guestbook.


and then when i looked at the names it was like...

"Holy shit, yusef's still alive. he hasn't died from excessive masturbation and weed. i guess too much of a good thing is a good thing."

so, anyway. then i got to reading the rest of the entries and if jevon's correct, then it was as i suspected, the 2 hour old sourdough jack that i ingested at 4 pm and came back up at around 9:45 or 10 pm.

and to jenna, i'm sure you never expected him to call exactly on time, because you know... he's not whipped like that.

and lastly to randi (because she deserves to be at the end becuase she's a SKANK), yes, you did drive like a sane driver for once. now, if only you'd do that for more than just people who might throw up in your car.

well, anyway, you might be asking me how my day went, well, let me put it like this.

guess who passed their drivers license test?!


i had to get to school early today for that rotc thing. anyway, when i got there, i walked into the room and i looked at it and it was ALL WRONG. it was all fucked up. i was super pissed off at that because i had set it up just so. everything was the way it should've been, but nope. ching yee in all her infinate wisdom decided to change it up and she effectively made the projection machine useless when she's the one who told me to set it up. i was abso-fucking-lutely bedazzled at her intelligence. so when i saw her, i got angry, "what the hell happened to my room layout?" i asked her rather angrily.

"did you try it out?! did you sit RIGHT here? because you can't take notes from the screen from RIGHT here," she said standing behind the seat that you "couldn't take notes from."

"why? what's the fucking problem with that seat? i tested them all out, i know you can see from there!" i responded getting angrier.

"well, you can't! so we had to move the tables so that you could see it!" she replied even with a heavy dose of sassy-bitch added.

"FUCK YOU! ALL YOU'VE GOT TO DO IS TAKE A STEP BACK AND YOU WON'T BE IN THE WAY OF THE FUCKING TV!" i yelled with a fury that i haven't unleashed in a long time.

"Hey! do you think you're the only one whos stressed out right now? 'ooh! look at me, i'm ryan and i'm more important than everyone else! i'm the only one with stress! pitty me!'" she acted out rather childishly.

"FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING COCK SUCKER!" i replied with even more fury as i stormed out of the room yelling at everyone in the office about her ching's geniousness "FUCKIN' CHING YEE! STUPID FUCKING CUNT CAN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING RIGHT! FUCKING THINGS UP AND ACTING LIKE A GOD DAMNED BITCH ABOUT IT!" or something like that i yelled so that the instructors could hear too.

what ensued was me sulking in my chair and swearing at her and flicking her off at every chance possible. i showed her as much disrespect as possible infront of everyone. i used up two whole rolls of film and not a single shot was wasted on her either. now that's spite for you.

anyhow, the inspection went by saddeningly well. i wanted us to fail the inspection purely out of spite for that whore. i mean, i was so pissed off at her i wanted to fucking lash out and bitch slap her. and i would've if i could've gotten away with it.

but i couldn't so i just sat on the side and talked to everyone else but her, walked away when she looked in my direction, and when i had to go in her direction i'd tell her to "get the fuck outta my way."

i'm still angry to be honest.

i hope she gets fucked up by the other women at basic training. stupid whore.

anyway... when i left the room for 5th period, deyson saw me in the hallways and told me "i like what you did to ching."

"what? you heard what i said to her?" i asked.

"no, but she was crying till now," he said smilling and walking to class.

yes! i thought to myself. i knew it! i knew i was right!

oh yeah, i should explain the situation based on why i made her cry.

remember how she made a big deal about needing the projector, and then this morning when i said the projector wouldn't work she said "it doesn't matter... yackity yack yack yack..." and i got pissed. so i was hoping the whole time that the power point would break in the middle and we'd have to switch to the over heads. but it didn't so she probably thought she had won. well... for the out-briefing, the inspectors wanted the over head machine. "YES!" i thought to myself. "i fucking win! they needed the over head! fuckin' A, yes!" and so i rubbed it in her face. "you see that? they needed the projection machine! i was right! you were fucking wrong! fucking cunt!"

i'm pretty sure that's what did it. i was pleased. very pleased. why? because i won and i'm a prick.



i took my road test today. and i failed. so if you answered "alright! ryan got his license!" to the question "guess who passed their drivers license test?!" you were wrong like a mother fucking moron.

yeah, they got me on technicallities. did you know that when crossing over the bike lane you have to cross in the dotted section only? shit, i didn't know that. the other two problems were my fault. i ran a yellow light on a left turn and i fucked up my parallel parking. but the guy was cool. we were talking story the whole time. so i wasn't salty about failing by him.

see? i can be a jackass and a nice guy in the same day.

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