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2002-03-06 - 10:34 p.m.

well, it's wednesday, and so it was technically the best day of the week.

so here's the run down.

i walked to school slightly winded because i've got smokers lungs and i dont smoke or second hand it. it's because of my lack of exercise which is going to get worse with me driving.

and so i got to school and i did something... i cant remember.

in period, kyle said that someone had to be elected for the historian office, and i was like "what the hell? you dont run for historian!"

and kyle said: "yeah! historian is the bitch job!" and just then, someone, i think it was blair, asked me to do something rather oblivious to the whole conversation. it sucked. it proved that i am everyones bitch. okay, yeah, i knew it a long time ago and it didn't really suck, but man, life is just... humorous at times.

and in period 3, i told hamel to shut up because i was talking so she offered to scrap with me in the cafeteria at lunch time and show me up infront of everyone. i called her bluff. i didn't see her. the pussy.

oh yeah, and in the morning, now i remember what i did. me and taryn went at it again, but this time with an audience. the morning cafeteria people. yeah, we were yelling and going all balls out about it. it rocked. hell, even trevor joined in and we teamed up against him. the fuckin' hawaii kai boy... think he's all hot shit.

but in period 4, i had this killer tired spell. infact, it was so bad that i sat down on a regular chair, like the kind with a back, i propped my feet up on a stool, put my head on the corner of a lab table and fucking fell asleep right there. man, i woke up because dick guys were playing egyptian war and they were slapping the table like there was no tomorrow.

so i woke up and read jesse's letter to the editor or something like that and it was like, "yes, i like this. i like this very much." because it bashed on mark. fucking freshman, we dont bash on you because you're a freshman, we bash on you because you're an idiot.

and during lunch, me and teruya made fun of kyle. i said that kyle reminded me of dan akroyd and teruya agreed by laughing. yes! point to ryan.

and in period six, i talked to oki for a while, then i took a dump and they set me to work on the web page. again, i'm a bitch.

after school, i went home and just as i was getting naked, wago called me. so i put some new clothes on because my old ones were all sweaty (which was why i was in the process of getting naked), and i walked my fat ass to school. i ended up talking to chad for the rest of the afternoon about everything from cars to comics to social interactions (fights). speaking of fights, we actually saw one. we were just about to walk off campus and we turned around and saw this one kid rush this other one, slug him, grab him, and knee him a few times and then shove him on the ground. so me and chad decided to watch to see it unfold. too bad it didn't go any farther than that. damn man. i'm a guy, i love watching blood be shed. and then, as we were standing out there with chad smoking, we see some guys pull up. one in a black z28 camaro, another truck load of about six guys, and i think a green accord riced out joined them latter. i'm not sure, but it could've been a drug buy. i swear i saw some green (money) being tossed around.

well, after that chad grabbed his stuff and we walked back to my place and talked about state of emergency, the video game. i must get that game now. emphasize "must."

so yeah, that was my day. now, i think i'm sleeping.

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