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2002-03-07 - 9:51 p.m.

i got to go joy riding today. it was like, calming and kick ass all at the same time. and randi thinks it's silly of me to be all elated about doing that. so what? this is my sex. driving is my sex. no, not really.

anyway, today was a normal day, wake up, go to school, fuck around, blah blah blah.

but, in period four, we got to watch the end of the game. by that i mean the UH-San Jose State game. yeah, me and dick were gonna go to ikei's room to watch it, but prisca lee had a sub, so me and dick walked into that class and sat down till the first score board came up and then we left for williams right next door. when we got there, we asked if we could watch the game and we hooked up the TV to watch in her class. yeah, it was like 3:something left, so no big loss for her instructional time which was a lab anyway. so me, i was the only one really watching. well, virgina and dick were watching too, and virginia and i were commenting on it, but yeah. UH won, i was glad. and then, we got to looking at worms under microscopes. no, i'm serious, we were looking at worms. like flat worms and shit. it was disgusting. so disgusting that i couldn't look away. oh, and then we cut them open to look at their innards. the things we do in the name of science.

yeah, so me, dick, and jesse looked at worms for a whole class period. and then we played egyptian war when we got sick of the worms.

during period 5, i completely cut, i dind't even sign in. shit, i just went straight to inouye's room and watched almost the end of "one flew over the cukoo's nest." how the hell do you spell that? anyway. after that, he took the class down to see some UH guy talk about summer school. so i was joking around with fred. in the end the guy said something about "now, how many of you make $200 an hour?" referring to some job that makes a lot of money. so i raised my hand. and the guy asked me what i did, so i told him "well, only on weekend and friday nights..." and we all laughed. it was good.

and in period 6, i spent the entire time in the back assembling two rifles from a pile of scrap parts. yes. sgt. was amazed that i did both of them in the time. to be honest, i could've done it faster if i had known exactly what i needed and everything. i had to take the rifles apart before i finally finsihed them at least twice. the first one took me forever because i wasn't EXACTLY sure what i was doing. i only take guns apart, i dont put them back together. shit...

and then i hung around till 3:30 when my mom came. i took the car home because i wanted to drive un-escorted since i have my license. she told me to drive straight home, but when i came to the turn, i went straight instead. i drove upto manoa market place and turned around and then went home. what a rebel i am. fuck that. and then, i was waiting for my mom to call for me to pick her up, around 6:45, she walks in the door fucking soaked. apparently she had walked home. the fucking moron. i told her to call me to pick her up, i even gave her my cell phone. but she couldn't even figure out how to unlock the phone when i told her how less than a week ago and it even tells you what to do! stupid...

so i yelled at her telling her how to do it. sometimes stupid people piss me off...

so, anyway, i went driving again tonight. yeah, i got to drive into manoa again. so i drove through manoa park and i decided to call randi and tell her i was out gallavanting. she called me silly. and then i told her to go back and do whatever she was doing. probably healing from judo's various bruises and tweaks. and then i went driving around somemore. i eventually got stuck infront of a car with an impatient drive. i was going a nice and smooth 30 mph. and this bastard car behind me fucking started to tail me. so pulling out my bad ass driving skills, i pulled into someones drive way half way up a mountain and let the fucker pass me. and then i turned back down and just went driving somemore. i love driving, even if i'm a half-shitty driver still yet. and then, i went driving to manoa market place and i sat in macdonalds for a good 30 minutes. just watching this group of japanese people talk while i nursed an apple pie. and then i went home. i got home at about 9:30. so i was out a good 90 minutes. driving rocks.

i hope i get to drive more often.

i cant believe how fucking boring that entry was. shit... i need to get out more often, eh?

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