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2002-03-08 - 11:30 p.m.

three outta four days this week i didn't show up for TA. i'm a bad bad man. cutting my only non-grade class.

but shit, i really gotta pay more attention in period 4, today we took a test. and even with me, dick, and jesse and afa, and justin and a book, we couldn't answer the questions. that sucked some fat ass.

and in english, i failed another test i think. stupid fucking vocab tests suck nuts. god damned 100 question test. stupid words like "acCUMen" and "penile enlargement" and "cunnilingus" and "fellatio" and "vasectomy." shit, who knows words like that?


at lunch, we had our singled out thing. man, fucking mikiala is such a flying bitch. she's only flying because she's probably stoned half the time. shit. kick her fucking ass if micah didn't like her and she wasn't a girl. and she wasn't associated with papakolea people. i swear to god, they fight dirty. they dont go mano-a-mano. they go fucking family-a-"single fucking man." pussys cant fight alone. okay, so here's the story: elyse was our MC, but she wasn't loud enough to get people to come to the front of the stage, so, they told me to go on the mic because i'm a loud sombitch. so i got on the mic and i was busy getting people up there and i told elyse to try run inside the cafeteria to get those people outside to play. so, while i was waiting for elyse to come back, i needed to burn some time. so i started to ask contestants their names. and then i get to mikiala and she goes "mikiala, why?" all sassy bitch like. and i'm thinking to myself: "what the fuck? i'm just being a fucking MC here, why you gotta be such a fucking whore for? bitch." i hope she gets a heavy fucking hangover and sterile from too much weed. fucking druggie bitch whore.

well, other than that, the event went off okay. it was rigged anyway. mikiala and micah were in cahoots the whole time, so it didn't really matter. and everyone basically knew it, i mean, people were copying mikiala's answers anyway. no one cared. it was all for show anyhow.

too bad for all those stupid freshman chicks.

and in period six, we had them air force rotc people from UH come down to talk to us. well, they knew not to talk to me. i dont know why, but they didn't even bother with me. i was kinda sad because i wanted to argue with them that i couldn't join because i'm anti-regimented-lifestyle. it's always fun to argue with those people who dont realize that i know what i'm not getting into.

and after school i did another endurance race. i did the 78 laps of monaco one. well, that's not the real name of it, but i dont feel like typing out 78 laps around Cote de Azure. mostly because i'm spelling it wrong because there's supposed to be an "�" in Cot� d� Azure. and i dont know what other stupid euro spellings are in there, but yeah.

and then i went out for jamba juice with randi. i still had that $5 gift certificate from boss, so i went to go use it. got me a strawberry tsunami with the higher, faster, stronger boost and an additional energy boost. so that's like, two energy boosts in one drink. i was all jazzed man. JAZZAED!

and then we went back to randi's place and while she showered i ate and watched TV with carli. i made her annoyed by remarking on everything i could because she was watching cadet kelly on disney. so i was making comments on the uniforms and conduct of the cadets on tv. it pissed carli off so baddly. and when randi came out, it pissed her off too. and then, i got to play GTA3, and randi's parents were watching me, so i decided to just go drive around and kill things and shoot people. it was fun. until i got arrested for trying to steal a cop car but they knocked me down. oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

geez, this is getting boring. i think i'll leave before i bore you some more.

skanks... all of you, skanks.

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