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2002-03-10 - 9:15 p.m.

well, like i said last week, today is sunday, and as we all know, sunday is a boring boring day.

okay, so i didn't say exactly that, but i did come to a realization while i was in the shower tonight.

i still haven't reset my clock.

yes, my clock has still yet to be reset since god knows when. yes, that god. that bastard god who has no fucking sense of humor.


god, i cant stand my parents right now.

my mom got my UH application wet so it was all ruined. yes, that UH application that i didn't want to fill out. and now, shes getting on my ass about what i wanted to put down as my major. the thing is, i dont care about a major because i dont know what the fuck i want to do because i dont care about college. i stopped caring because it's too much to fucking care about. who the fuck cares? all college is, is another place to meet people and waste my time and money. so she's getting on my case about remembering what i wanted as my major when i didn't chose a major because all i want to do is fucking push papers. i dont care about responsibility or money or prestige of school or any of that crap. i dont care if people go "oh, he went to KCC and this guy went to fucking harvard, we'll hire the ass who went to harvard because he's probably richer and has more money and he thinks he's smarter because he's got a fucking piece of paper that says he graduated from some fucking ivy league school." well, you know what? i'll get a bumper sticker that says "my kid can beat up your ivy league graduate." fuck school. but thats the catch, i cant. my dad said "join the army," and i told him fuck the army. and then he said "if you dont go to school or join the army, you're not living here." so you know what fuck them all. i'll go to fucking kcc and get my degree in shit scraping off the fucking sidewalk.

fuck school.

god dammit. it was an okay day till now. now i'm going to go to sleep all fucking furious. not just at god now, but my fucking parents too.

god dammit, my fucking shit list is getting fucking longer.

this isn't supposed to be happening. it's my senior year, i should be out having sex, getting drunk, stoned, and ruinning my life and having so much fucking fun doing it. stupid fucking conscious.

i hate sex because it leads to babies. i hate drinking because it means i'll only have one liver to count on down the road. i hate drugs because they mess me up in ways i want to get messed up, but for cheaper. and i hate ruinning my life because it comes too easily. no fucking challenge. argh. nothing works for me.

god dammit.

so, anyway, lets get off the topic onto something cheerier.

yesterday, i went out with erin tamashiro. yeah, her truck, you can tell it's got the TRD package. the suspension is so stiff, it's like, *rummble rummble rummble* yeah, thats what i felt the whole time. she picked me up and we went to lunch after some dilliberation in the truck as to where to go. never put two indecisive people in a vehicle during traffic. we ended up at mcdonalds and sat around for a while catching up on old times. well, not really catching up, just telling stories of all the stupid things that happen to us.

after that we went to see "we were soldiers." long but good movie. y'know, the movie wouldn't have been so gory if it wasn't for the noise. the noise actually made it more gory. when you hear the bullet exit the bodies, it just makes it that much... crazier. yeah, that wet plopping noise it makes, just... ugh. well, it wasn't too gross, but enough to make you think "fuck the army man."

after that i went home and called randi. it turns out she did good by beating up on smaller people. she decimated her given weight class which was mostly 98 pounders with her 102-ness. ahh, thats my girl, beating up on litte kids.

so, to celebrate, i took her out for dinner. went to that asiaminor place down the road from her house. pretty good meal, we got three dishes for about $21.

after that, we sat around waiting a good long time for our check because dude, the place filled up. like, super filled up. when we got there first, there was one lady, but by the time we left, it was fucking packed.

but that was some good shit man. good shit.

oh yeah, when me and erin were at mcdonalds, jenna kawasugi popped in. the ironic thing is, the last time me and erin went out some place, jenna kawasugi also popped in there too. crazy shit man, crazy shit i tell you.

and after dinner with randi, we filled up gass at the chevron down the road on the way back to randi's house (where i also almost forgot to put the fuel cap back on) and watched forest gump at her house. after that we had some dirty sex. oh no, that was me and jesse later on. me and randi just played metal gear solid because i like to shoot people.

and then i went home. but not before driving around because i like driving. yeah, i've found driving to be very relaxing. almost too relaxing. no, it's just relaxing enough. very soothing. just me and the vehicle. nobody to fucking bother me. shit.

but today, i woke up and i fell asleep in the living room, and i didnt realize i was in the living room until i woke up again.

oh yeah, yesterday, i woke up at like 5 something, and i couldn't get back to sleep so i took a shower, a warm as hell shower, and then i went outside because i knew it was colder out there, and then i turned on the TV to some Acme cartoons and i fell asleep watching that.

so, when i woke up this morning i watched some NASCAR action and that was pretty much my day. watching TV and coming and going on the internet.

fuck, i'm getting real bored with life.

i need to pick up something new, like drugs, alcohol, sex, and ruinning my life.

Previously on - Currentlier

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