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2002-03-23 - 11:35 p.m.

oh yeah... it's saturday. i almost forgot.

i tend to do that a lot, have you noticed that? always forget things. and it's funny because i dont smoke weed either. the say weed is directly linked to memory loss, but me? i think i'm just retarded.

what else is new? hmm...

randi's key board is funny kine. the keys are so crisp. so refined. so... not used to this keyboard making so much damn noise.


i woke up at 8 and thought to myself, "i think i'll wash the car today." the thing is, i should've done my hamlet reading logs instead. oh well... tomorrow's a whole 'nother day to do it. i really want to get them out of the way before it's really late and i forget. stupid fucking work make me be all un-ryan-ish.


i think "..." should be a key all of it's own. i dont know where it'd be, on the keyboard, but it'd make a very popular key. don't y'all think so?

did you know that "who're" and "whore" are the same letters?

so, yeah, i washed the car at like, 2 or something. that took me like, an hour or so. i think it's time for new wiper blades because i think it scratched my windshield.


um... yeah, so...

after i was done, i called randi back on the cellular phone. apparently she needed help washing the sentra because she's incompetent. yeah, she needed me to help her because she can't reach the top of the car. whatta loser. anyway... after she had me wash the entire car for her, she made me wax it while she collected cancer. i mean, got a tan. or at least tried to that damn whitey. anyway... i ended up getting whitey into the act. i had her tape the car's trim so i could polish the car a lot faster. but she made me wipe the roof of the car because she couldn't reach. short white bastard.


after that, we went to jamba juice because jamba juice is always good.

especially when you're hot and sweaty.

after that, i looked under the hood of the sentra, and what do i see? a Matrix intake kit for the sentra. yes, that's why it makes so much noise and does basically nothing. it's getting the air in there, but it's still not letting much of anything out. i'm probably wrong, but hey. i dont care because i like to bullshit people anyway.

and then we rented Mallrats and O Brother Where Art Thou. good times...

i'm tired and i still have a lot of homework to do. stupid studious me.

i want to go driving.

Previously on - Currentlier

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