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2002-07-01 - 11:40 p.m.

brett and (big) michelle came back! yay!

i'm still alive! yay!

anyway... so brett and michelle came back and luckily i wasn't there when brett came home to his baby (the sentra). so i escaped with a tap on the head and a great big self-imposed scare.

anyway... i was supposed to go to ota's house party, but there was milk in the mashed potatoes. we all know what milk does to an asian. *fooosh* out it goes. if you don't understand that, think lactose intollerance and multiply it by ten (for me) from years of orange juice and other citiric drinks. blech...

so diane lost out on a chance to see tyler. my bad.

and then... uh...

little michelle is grating my nerves.

dude, i don't know if i'm spelling anything correctly tonight.

oh yeah, i almost forgot i had my first day of summer school today. right now i'm the smart one in the class. i think it's cause i've learned this shit three times over. the first part anyway. it's the second part i'm concerned about. ack.


i have to wake up really early to get to school though. and i always expected kapahulu to be busier in the morning. i guess there's no where to really go to work on kapahulu at that time. 'cause all the places are either already open or don't open for a few more hours. go kapahulu. *knock on wood*

today i hit a trash can on the side of the road. i was going up a 1.5 lane road and just as i was about to crest it, a big ass SUV came barraling over the crest too. "oooooh shit..." so i swerved to the right *crank* "aww fuck..." i smacked the right side rear mirror on a trash can. the housing isn't damaged, but the mirror was shattered. now i have to go find one. frack.


oh, i reitterate my point that bi-cyclist don't belong on the road. they have no care for the cars on the road. they think that we should be looking out for them when they dont even fucking look out for themselves. they act like they own the fucking road. today, at UH, i was going to make a left turn at a 4-way stop. no one else was there, i'm about to go, and this bi-cyclist just comes down the road and looks at me and doesn't even stop. just goes straight through. i wanted to kick his ass. fuckin' bi-cyclist. i'm doing that whole bi-cyclist thing on purpose too because to me, they're all bi-fucking-sexuals. i dont know why, i just need to insult them somehow.

brett was telling me about one of his old friend's preludes that had a full on R34 headlight conversion, twin-turbos, intercooler, straight pipe exhaust, and a whole shit load of other stuff. he also told me how to beat recon, and safety checks. whoo! go brett.

did you know than an intercooler is illegal? i sure as hell didn't. i think he also said that turbo's aren't road legal either. i might be getting that part mixed up on account that i think i crapped my brains out 'cause of that milk.

i should go to bed. g'nite all youse mother fuckers.

Previously on - Currentlier

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