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2002-07-08 - 4:20 p.m.

i haven't updated for more than a week. mostly because i haven't been home for a long long long long long long long long long long long long long very long long long long long long long time. that and i had a migraine last night.

i've been getting migraines a lot lately. i attirbute it to the sheer amount of caffine i used to ingest. i think i get WAY too much caffine. on a regular day i used to have at least one mountain dew and a 180. that's way too much for me. i guess my tolerance is slowly lowering? weirdness...

what else have i done in this time? uh...

i went to a bon dance. and like randi said, the songs were too hard and kyle did something very very very very very very very very very stupid. and now he can't make fun of me and randi's driving. hahahahaha.



what else happened?




i really have no idea what i've been doing lately. i guess this is what happens when you don't update regularly.

i like medal of honor.

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