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2002-08-05 - 9:21 a.m.

i finally finished summer school. not like it was really a big thing to finish it, but yeah... it's done. i now have two weeks to jack off and do nothing. hah, i wish. i still need to set-up my quicken account, buy my books, and something something something.

and uh...

my class schedule. did i talk about it? anyway... i'm taking spanish 101, math 25, english 22, and intermediary studies (study skills or some shit like that).

speaking of studying, i actually studied for the final. my parents were amazed at me. in fact, i was studying so much on saturday, that i fell asleep at randi's house.

i also drove mike maeda's car on satruday or friday night, and stalled on the road like three times at a stop sign with a car behind me. so i put the hazards on, and waved him ahead of me and ducked so i wouldn't see them laughing at me, which they were. anyway... driving standard is hard. i can't get a feel for the clutch and starting on a hill is a bitch. but i'll get it one day. one day...

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