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2002-08-08 - 12:45 a.m.

ghost hunting is difficult when you have an enormous ammount of respect for the dead. that and you're scared of them too.

last night, i went ghost hunting w/ jesse, tulsa, and dick. pang was with us, but he was sick so we dropped him off early. anyway... we hit a bunch of graveyards and a former (now torn down) sugar mill with cameras hoping to see weird shit in the developed film. kinda freaky shit, y'know?

we also managed to go to at least 5 different gas stations/7-11s. i also found Jolt soda. thats the shits yo.

anyway, we also went to iolani palace. brah, at night, that place is kinda creppy. the four of us had a bag of hawaiian salt and me and richard were carrying that shit in our hand with some ti leaves in the other hand ready to bless ourselves the minute we saw an apparition. we also did the sumo wrestler thing of throwing salt in front of us and over the left shoulder. so yeah... we left our own version of an offereing at the base of the steps and ran away when tulsa said he thought he saw something. well, we didn't run away, but me and dick left thinking "okay, i aint gonna tempt anything..."

so yeah, when we finished the two camera's, we took them to pali longs and sent them in for development. which leads me to tonight.

the four of us went to go pick up the film tonight because we really were curious as to what we caught on film. but, the thing is, it wasn't developed yet. so... we have to go back tomorrow to pick it up. shit. so we ended up going to zippys and eating and that was it. fun stuff, eh?

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