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2002-08-09 - 1:27 a.m.

a coupla people thought i died the other night. and by a couple of people, i really do mean a couple of people. as in the two tamashiros. erin and trevor. that still gets me... hahaha... ah fuck you guys.

anyway... there was a fire in my appartment building last night. up on the 8th floor. i live on the second floor, so my PS2 was nowhere near danger thank god because i wasn't home to protect it. i would've stayed in the house till they fucking dragged me kicking and screaming... or if they told me that there was a better view of the fire from outside.

and so yeah, like i said i wasn't home. i was out at randi's house and later on with dick guys. we tried to drive past it on our way to pick up tulsa, but ... i all ready explained all this shit. why didn't one of you mother fuckers stop me? bitch ass ho's.

anyway, so erin called my cell and asked if i was all good and shit, but by then it was too late. i had already turned my phone off and went to sleep.

so yeah, when i got their message this morning, i didn't call them back. just to fuck with them. oh, that and i had to drive my mom to work at about 7am. so i slept as soon as i got home. fuck friends, i was tired!

and then today i went out with dick and jesse to dick's chick's house out in hawaii kai. i sat in the back of dick's truck all the way to hawaii kai. her dad thinks i'm retarded, so do michelle and kelly or whatever the fuck their names are. it didn't matter to me though, i don't have to impress either one of them. i'm gay! no... it's because randi is my one and only ho. i mean ass hole.

fuck, y'all know what i mean.

and that was pretty much my day.

however, there was a night to this day's day.

after i left randi's house, i went driving to border's to see if they were still open at 12:15 am because i left late to watch the rest of a george carlin show. anyway... they were closed so i called up jenna to see if they were doing anything. apparently they were standing infront of ward theater. so what'd i do? i parked illegally in front of the theater, turned on my hazards, turned off the lights, and left my car at the curb. my excuse? the car was having problems... what would i say now that i had about 30 seconds to think of it? the car was over heating because the radiator is leaking (which it is), so i stopped to let it cool down before it detonated on me and kaboom, there goes my poor little D15 engine. so, yeah. i talked to them for a while, then i decided to move my car across the street. so i did, but i didn't want to run across the street to get back to them, so i just called them on the cellular phone and talked to them from across the street. then i drove into the parking lot and talked to them in there. fun! i was supposed to highlight something that i did while there, but i can't quite remember what it was. so i'll stop before i do remember.


Previously on - Currentlier

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