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2002-08-11 - 12:39 p.m.

okay, i lied. i didn't write it yesterday. i was too tired yesterday too. and now i can't remember what happened anymore.

but y'know what sucks? the lord of the rings. who the fuck goes to a 3-hour movie only to not see the god damned end? at least in star wars, each portion of the trilogy had an end to it's portion, sure it lead to something in the next movie, but it also brought a small item of closure to it's singular part while leaving the whole open. fucking lord of the rings ends with them going "gee... the gay wizard is dead and we've still got these two stupid hobbits and the dwarf with the bad breath and the elf that looks like james van der beek or something like that." so yeah, gay ass movie. hehehe.... randi told me something while i was watching it at her house with her crew. the move is one 3-hour long gay joke. which is true. i spent the rest of the movie looking for all the gay jokes i could.

i told randi i should stop being so acting so homophobic, and she said it's okay because i act gay the other half of the time.

i got my new issue of super street. so i'm happy.

i really can't remember anything else right now.

i think i'll go to the next lord of the rings just to laugh at all the gay jokes.

Previously on - Currentlier

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