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2002-08-18 - 10:44 a.m.

everyones writing about how they're all sad that everyone else is leaving. i, on the other hand still stand by my stance (does that seem redundant) that if you're leaving you made the damn decision to leave, so don't be all sad at the airport, you knew it was gonna happen, so deal with your own shit. and if you're not leaving, then you knew you'd have to say "good bye, good luck, and see you in hell" to most of the people you know so stop acting like its such a big suprise when everyone is gone. when kyle left yesterday, this is an assortment of how i felt: "geez-us christ! ... let me catch my breath" "kyle you fricka. don't try to hug me" "dude, that guy looks like a banana" "good, he's finally leaving" "his parents wanna take more pictures?" "wow, this is so anti-climactic watching him go through the metal detectors" "i'm really hungry" "haha, he has to pay a gazzillion dollars for food in there."

yeah, you see that if anyone is leaving i'm still in my natural state of mind. that's just how i am. it makes things a lot easier i assume.

oooh, driving story time:

after the CPK dinner which kyle was late for and he threw in his own honor after making the time later by 45 minutes, and after the mililani bon dance where we saw goth guys dancing as well as being ben and jerry-millilani, was the very exciting drive home.

if you read this account at randi's diary, then you'll know that it was wrong. the guy was not the one who i "flicked off" at the stop light, that guy was someone else, and i wasn't flicking the guy off. i was pointing my index finger at randi.

so, on with the story. as i merged on to the freeway behind kyle, i was flooring it and moving right. as i moved into the left lane, i noticed that there was this big ass truck behind me. so i thought nothing of it. and then i moved two more lanes over to the left just to be in the fast lane because that usually is the safest lane because you don't have to watch for people merging into your lane from two directions (well to me its the safe lane). anyway... so i'm motoring along nice and happy at about 75 when i notice that there's this bright thing in my mirrors. "the fuck?" i think to myself. "holy shit... this is the mother fucker who i merged in front of!" the fuck is going? so i start getting kinda like "fucker... following me with the god damned headlights going right into my cab... bitch as punk." so i move right to get away from those damn lights. whattaya know, the ass followed me to the middle lane! by now randi's commenting on this and kristen's probably scared shitless. so i think, "fine bitch!" and i move more right and slow down some. AND THE FUCKER FOLLOWS ME! so i speed up and go left two lanes back to the fast lane and i think he's gone. but like the truck in that speilberg movie, it just shows up out of nowhere barreling down the road at me. by now, i'm actually getting half-scared and half-pissed. "bitch ass punk ass mother fucker!" so i step on it. 85 mph+ i hit trying to out run this punk. cutting right and left and right again. zoom zoom zoom. i end up in the waiane off ramp lane, move back left half expecting him to follow me. but "luckily" he doesn't. i say luckily because i hope he doesn't have an aunty and uncle working for the DMV tracking down my license plate.

but yeah... that was interesting. randi was yelling at me for speeding so much, but i say it's human instinct to speed up. don't you?

Previously on - Currentlier

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