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2002-08-14 - 10:40 p.m.

i dont know what to write becuase nothing new really happened. or anything exciting for that matter.

it's funny, because i lead a pretty boring life in the way i look at it, but i'm pretty damn contempt at the moment. however, i also wish i had a more exciting life, but then i realize, sometimes exciting isn't always good. like being excited in the middle of a burning building isn't my idea of a fun life.

hmph... i guess that's why knowing the future sucks ass.

oh, and i think it'd be pretty fun to be able to drive up and down kamehameha schools all day if there weren't the speed bumps. it's a kinda twisty road on the side of a mountain, and as we all should know by now, i like mountain roads. the whole time i was driving it, i was thinking "gee, this would probably be a really fun road to drift on if it wasn't for these speed bumps... and if knew how to drift."

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