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2002-08-26 - 2:19 p.m.

KCC is going to make me get back in shape. there's so much walking for me to do. my first class monday-thrusday is Olapa (where i had summer school. thats at 8-9ish. but, after that, all my other classes are in Iliahi- ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE CAMPUS. and by all the way across the campus, i mean, it's in the opposite corner, there isn't a single building further from olapa. oh, not to mention i have an hour wait between classes on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. i also have a hour fourty-five wait on tuesdays. so i would leave school probably and come back and have to park on the street because parking is shit at KCC. i wish i went to UH, at least i could catch the shuttle to manoa market place in between those long ass waits.

oh yeah... heres my schedule:


8-855 Spanish 101

10-1050 Math 25


8-800 Spanish 101

915-1030 English 22

1215-130 Intermediary Studies


8-855 Spanish 101

10-1050 Math 25


8-855 Spanish 101

915-1030 English 22


10-1050 Math 25

1215-130 Intermediary Studies

my schedule sucks and i have only myself to blame. i should find someone else to blame. god dammit kyle, i blame you for my schedule sucking just because you're the farthest away and that makes you the least likely to hit me for blaming you.

which reminds me... trevor left last night. he actually wore the hat that me and randi bought for him on kauai. big ass opihi picker hat.

oh, and i also came back from kauai if you haven't noticed. randi steals the blanket.

my cousin on kauai is in the hospital all bus' up 'cause he got beat up in a fight.

ota is in the spanish class and george seymour is in my math class. so's this guy from my math class in the summer. he didn't recieve his grades either.

i dont like summer being over. i feel tired already.

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