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2002-08-27 - 11:27 a.m.

i'm at home right now on my new laptop which i think is too slow, but thats just 'cause i'm spoiled like that. they should make a computer outta the PS2, that would be cool. because it'd have blue flashy lights and all. i like blue flashy lights. i think blue is the best flashy light color. can you tell i'm getting dumber now that i'm in college? go me!

anyway... i'm sitting around at home waiting for the time for me to drive back to KCC so i can go to my next class. i have almost a 2 hour wait inbetween some classes. not as bad as richard though... he has a 3 hour wait after his first class. hah!

but he does go to UH where there's more to do than at KCC.

i dont really know what i'm going to write. so far, i also have marinelle or however you spell her name in my english class too. she's randi's judo friend. i dont know her.

i don't know what to expect out of Intermediary Studies.

i really wish i went to UH because at least i'd know people there and all. it wouldn't bother me that the campus is twice as large as KCC because i'd pretty much have guarnteed parking at UH, because my mommy works there. i'd like to go to UH anyway just because it's a real university. i was thinking about it, and i might be able to go to UH next semester even (probably not you dumbshit).

oh well... time will tell. i think i'll go download some weezer music.

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