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2002-09-11 - 10:19 p.m.

how did i commemorate sept. 11? i woke up in the middle of the night hacking and coughing up a lung (mucus actually) and then i settled down on the couch to try fall asleep sitting up so the fucking phlegm wouldn't accumulate in my nose and make it impossible for me to breath. sensing that that was a losing battle i turned on the TV and watched the various memorial services in PA, NY, and the pentagon.

one of the talking heads made a good point about a 9/11 memorial. it took 20 years for them to develop the vietnam memorial and chokus more people died in that one i think i'm sure. so's... yeah.

a memorial isn't something you can rush, if you rush, you get that stupid eternal flame that we have infront of honolulu hale. the vietnam memorial is just so much more powerful. when you look at one name, you realize "hey, he was only one of many," but yet, that name still stands out and talks to that person standing there. with that eternal flame, all i see is a lighter.

but yeah... thats enough seriousness for me.

me and ota were sitting in class and he was talking about some all-trac celica that was ripping it in the parking lot. then a few minutes later, we were doing our work and all of a sudden we heard "braaat-screech-braaaat" and we both looked up at eachother "oh, shit... you know what that is." and then a few minutes later "braaaat-pshhhhh-braaat" ho, yups... you know what that is too bitch!

after class i went to the library to watch CNN to see if any terrorists got lucky. none did which is good. watched CNN until it was time for my next class. i left the library and then i see chokus people are outside facing the big-ass lawn and there's some ceremony going on to honor the dead. so i stood there for a bit and then i started to walk to class w/ george. but, as soon as we get to the class, everyone up and leaves. why? our teacher let everyone out to watch the rest of the ceremony. class canceled. go me, i didn't even want to be there 'cause i was feeling so sick still yet. but, as soon as we get back to the big-ass lawn, the crowds disperssing. it was done. schools done bitch! go me!

oh, i also remembered something else. when i was waking between the couch and my bed, i stopped and looked at where i was standing. it was the spot where my dad told me what had happened and i remebered it pretty vividly. so... yeah... i guess i still remember. hmph... just like "do you remember where you were when you heard kenedy was shot?" kinda moment for our generation though. hmph...

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