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2002-09-10 - 9:39 p.m.

so yup, tomorrow is september 11th, to me, it means nothing really. i didn't know anyone who died-ed. i didn't know anyone who was really affected by any of it. i mean, psh... i'm almost half a world away, i'm not in the military, and i dont really care about tomorrow anyway. i mean, i'm not living tomorrow, i'm living right now. tomorrow, i look forward to watching CNN re-broadcast videos of the buildings falling, planes crashing, people running, and whatnot. well, i dont really look forward to seeing it in the sense that i can't wait to see it, but more in the sense of i know it's coming so why deny it. really, i'm just curious to know if terrorists are going to think of a way to blow something else up. well, not so curious in the sense that i want them to, but just to see if they can, which i'm sure they can because i've been trying to figure out ways to do it. way i see it best is to just drive a bomb up to something car-bomb style. either that or walk up to something w/ explosives on you human-bomb style. and y'know, as always, the more the merrier.

anyway... i just finished my spanish homework. like everyone else, spanish is becoming the hardest class i have. i hate learning a new language. i'm in english 22, i should be concentrating on my first language!

speaking of english 22, we recieved two handouts today, but only one is really important to this paragraph. that one handout was written by mililani trask. y'know, that angry hawaiian bitch. i think someone should shoot her. she's a skank whore fuck bitch who should die. talk about racism... geez, she's got racism up the ass. i bet her shit is racist and doesn't want to be near other turds from japanese or chinese or italians etc. it's unfucking real... i think shes really a lesbian but doesn't want to admit it. but that's just my theory.

i locked my keys in the car today. i felt stupid. oh well...

today we had riflery practice. i helped people. i feel proud of myself. i can't wait till next week wednesday, we get to shoot against kailua. i get to see my kailua friends whom i see once a year. yay!

meh... it actually doesn't really matter to me because i'm going to be late anyway... whatever.

i found this site on the internet last night: bad ass. they got videos of this guys project cars. one of which is a R33 GTR which he calls GTR-700 which i assume is his horsepower goal. his stage-2 uprades had him at i think 444 hp all-wheel-drive. right now he's working on his stage-3 upgrades. bad ass shit. makes me want a project car. too bad i'm stuck with a project civic dx hb.

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