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2002-09-13 - 9:13 p.m.

i likes fridays. i can sleep as late as i feel because i usually wake up by 9 anyway. so's todays i had to take my dad to the hospital because he was having some kinda exam or something where they'd sedate him so he couldn't drive after. so anyway... i drop him off, come home, grab my books, take a dump and i'm off to school.

i get to school, and there's parking! yes! another reason to love fridays. parking at any freakin' time of the day.

but, then i realize something. i had spilt something on my pants right on my croch. i wish i had noticed it earlier, but i didn't. and when i looked at the clock, it was already 10 minutes to class, so i said fuck it.

in class i started to get sick again. my nose began to run and i had my cough again. oh, and i was really self-concious about the stain on my pants. so as soon as class ended, i drove home. changed my pants, grabbed some grub and went back.

IS wasn't so bad either. we had a guest speaker. i got my sarcastic comment in, i was happy for the rest of the day.

and after school, i went to randi's house and played with slippers. i like slippers, but she's got fleas that bit me. i'ma kill those fleas one day.

and then i dropped her off at the hotel for her leadership camp. that's so gay... i wanna sneak into her room just to suprise her, but too bad because i dont know her room number, and besides... i think she'd be pissed at me. besides, i'm too lazy to call her anyway.

my fucking feet and toes are itchy. stupid ass fleas.

go read alice's diary. she's got a pretty good story in there. it reminded me of the time i tried to speed away from that big ass truck.

Previously on - Currentlier

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