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2002-09-15 - 11:59 a.m.

hos fuckas youse fuckas...

i really need to stop hanging around jesse and tulsa. i keep picking up on the things they do. randi hates it when i do that because i generally can't do it good kine.

anyway... friday night, after i dropped randi off at the leadership camp, i went out with jesse, tulsa, dick, and one of tulsa's friends. we ended up in mililani at the zippy's from like 12-2 in the morning just talking outside and playing with the gas station water spigot thing. after that, we dropped of tulsa and his female friend off at her house and then me, jesse, and dick went on a "mission." for those of you who don't know what a "mission" is, tough shit.

anyway, i got some good ones in. it was like "bam!" man, that was really gratiffying. yeah, and after that, we went home.

saturday started off with me going "oh shit... practice is in two minutes. i guess i should get moving... one more minute of sleep won't hurt..." and then i got there in time for practice. i kick ass.

at practice i actually helped some of the new people shoot decently. chris or as we all call him "jimmy" actually beat luke yesterday. and little erin, little nick aka vivian, and gary all showed up as practice ended, so those fucka's never got for shoot. smiley joe aka erin tago, showed up early (like an hour early) and she needs to learn to chill out and not take standing so seriously because it makes you worse at it. i love giving new guys nicknames. it's so much fun. riflery is gonna suck next year w/o fred and andrew though.

after riflery i went to randi's house to kick it with brandon, lauren, and denise. oh, and randi.

we ended up doing nothing because everyone was too tired. those frickas. so boring. and then i took brandon and lauren home in a gesture of good faith. after that i came home, showered, and started on my homework. but then randi messaged and told me to come back. so i did and she helped me do my math homework. then we watached SNL and fell asleep. i then drove home at 2 in the morning on a rainy slippery road.

i like rainy slippery roads. and in an effort to try something new, i induced a power slide. sorta. not really... what i did was i slammed on the brakes and pulled the e-brake. so i effectively locked up my rear tires in a faux-drift. it was actually just skidding straight. i did try to power-slide a turn, but i didn't brake enough, so my tires didn't lock up. i was kinda sad. it would've been fun, i know it. just i can't let my parents know i did that. so shhh!

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