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2000-04-01 - 21:50:37

Well, this is my second or third update of today. Now i know how jenna can do this so often, its a really good bordem reliever.

Well, anyways... im back from dinner at some italian restaurant at ala moana. not too bad. i had a new york steak small portion. it was pretty damned filling. I also ate a lot of bread. and i had a coffee and pepsi and a sip of a vodka martini straight up. the martini smelled like rubbing alchohol and it taste i imagine it tastes the same. I re-discovered that i love coffee. it taste really good black. i like my coffee. i want to try turkish coffee, they say that shit is really strong... its been known to come out like mud. well, my steak it was pretty damned big for the "small portion." or it could be all those spam musubis i made and ate today... yeah, i actually cooked today! im so proud of me, and my mom was too. hell i even got her a b-day present! i got her chocolates! what kind? we wont get into that... but atleast i got her something. that reminds me... i left my skittles in my dad's car... i should go get em sooner or later... oh well. i like skittles... the original ones, the others just taste weird... god im full... and i wanna talk to erin... those are two entirely unrealated topics, but what the fuck right? its my diary, and i can write what ever the hell i want to.

damn, i still miss erin... can anyone tell im whipped? *craCCCCKKKK* (sound of me being hit w/ a whip) anyone wanna take a shot at me too?

hmm... new topic... can anyone tell me why people come to me for advice? I mean, of all people me. the one guy who everyone thinks/knows has problems. what makes me the kinda person that people would go to for problems? i mean... im not exactly the smartest (ha, far from it!) and im deffiantely not the brightest crayon in the box. so, what makes me a better candiadte to talk to than someone else? right? i mean, im not bitching about having to help people, in fact i like to help people since i cant help myself. but why me? what makes all of you people wanna talk to me about these things? i know all of you have my email so i wont bother to give it to you again. okie-doke? okie-doke. im done for now. buh-bye.


Pentagon Officer

A junior officer at the Pentagon was a hard worker, and he had a very nice well-furnished office. However, he began behaving strangely. First he shoved his desk out into the space also occupied by his secretary's desk. Then a few days later, as he was leaving for the day, he pushed his desk out into one of the many long corridors. He worked there for a few days, and then he shoved his desk into the men's room and set up work there. All of this had not escaped the notice of his fellow workers. It seemed more and more strange to them, so strange that they did not dare ask the officer himself what he was doing. Instead, they went to the division psychiatrist and asked him to ask the

officer. So the psychiatrist walked into the men's room, sat on the edge of the officer's desk and asked, "Why have you kept moving your desk? Especially, why into the men's room?" "Well," said the officer, "I figure that this is the only place in the Pentagon where they know what they're doing."

Previously on - Currentlier

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