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2000-04-02 - 16:31:23

Well, today i was arguing w/ mike about which intermediate school is better. I say Kananakoa is cause they got all the smarter and more physical people. Stevenson just sucks. But, i think we all agree on one spot, washington school sucks the big one. look at who came from there. The Vulture. Lincoln Tokita. I hate that kid... i really wish he were gonna like go away to farrington and get jacked. or get beat up by a girl he tries to hit on. i swear he just has no pride in himself. I swear, he was turned down atleast 10 times for the freshman sophmore banquet. and you know what his belt was? it was his rotc one. hows that? he used his freakin rotc shit for that stupid thing. i tell you... some people...

hmm... erins home! yay! she paged me at like 12:55 or so this morning. i was only half sleeping too. woke me up damn good tho. i was up till that time trying to get my stupid stereo play the matrix soundtrack... i love that soundtrack... movies just as cool.

man... its cold... my toes are really cold more so than my hands.

i talked to erin today, we had one of our "intellectual convos." it goes like this:







"yes you are"

"no im not"




*aghast* "are you calling me a liar erin?"


And thats our "intellectual convos."

well, heres my joke for the entry.

On a small lake, there was a fishermans wife, she was sitting in the middle of the lake w/ her husbands fishing equipment but she had no intention of fishing, she just wanted to read her book in peace.

just then a park ranger came up to her and told her to come to shore: "excuse ma'am, but your under arrest for fishing in off limits area"

"oh, but officer, i want planning on fishing, i just wanted someplace to read..." she pleaded.

"i'm sorry ma'am, but you have everything thats neccesary to go fishing. so im going to have to place you under arrest."

"well, sir. if you place me under arrest, im going to yell 'rape.' cause you have every thing neccesary too."

Previously on - Currentlier

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