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2000-04-04 - 00:28:37

I just felt like writing in here again. im bored outta my mind and i dont understand my math hw, so fuck it. today at drill team practice, i found out i can still spin better than vulture. and that little shits been practicing for the past two months, and i havent even touched the rifle leagally. thats really pathetic. even for a shit like him. (right about now Erin is saying, "thats not nice, ryan..." right? right?) well, i also found out i can still throw most of my old spins and tosses. my double airial still needs work, im still movin around when i throw it, and my other moves that are of a little bit more diffuculty (for more info just e-mail me) are a little shity, so i need to work on that too. but i can still out drill vulture and the other new guys. but damn, deyson got really good. and reece and takatomo, they can do all that good shit too. i cant wait till i have more balls to do that good shit, sure i may get hurt and busted up a little, but whats it gonna change? im still gonna be ugly and stupid, right? well. thats enough for now. i mean, two entries in one day! god, i think i put in more entries than erin did in 2000! if she did any for 2000... he he he... well, for this entries joke, im going to take a diferent aproach for it. i was told this joke second hand from leo. it is one of cody santiago's jokes. hes a special ed student, and hes a few cards short of a full deck if you know what i mean. if you dont, e-mail me later. well here goes.

Joke of the entry:

A girl came into my tent and asked, "wheres cody?"

so i said, "right here."

and she asked "wheres cody?"

and i said "right here!"

and then she started to eat cheese crackers through the wall of the tent.

He he he... its so stupid its funny. and now a real joke:

The top men in all four military branches had a meeting trying to decide who had the most balls.

The Admiral said, "My men have the most balls."

The other men told him to prove it.

He said, "You see that seaman working on the oh-ten level?"

They all say, "Yes."

The Admiral said, "Seaman, I want you to jump down here to the hard deck!"

The seaman said, "YES, SIR!"

The seaman jumps off and splatters on the hard deck, killing him instantly.

The Admiral said, "Now see, that took balls."

The Air Force general said, "That's nothing. Watch this! Airman, front and center!"

The airman snapped to attention and said, "YES, SIR!"

The General said, "I want you to walk it to that spinning propeller."

The airman said, "YES, SIR!"

The airman walked right in to the spinning prop, cutting him into little bits.

The General said, "Now see, THAT took balls."

The Marine general said, "Yeah, right. Watch this one. Private, front and center!"

A private comes out of nowhere and said, "YES, SIR!"

The General said, "I want you to take this grenade and stick it up your butt."

The private said, "YES, SIR!"

The private takes the grenade, pulls the pin, up his rear it goes, and BOOM!

The Marine General said, "Now see, THAT took balls!!"

The Army General said, "All of that was good but my boys still have more balls than that."

The rest told him to prove it.

The General yelled in a commanding voice, "Private, front and center!"

A private popped tall and said, "YES, SIR!"

The General said, "I want you to go in front of that tank and let it run over you. Is that understood?"

The private responded,"FUCK YOU, SIR!"

The General said, "Now see, that took balls."

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