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2000-04-04 - 23:24:32

Im here cause im bored. i have absoultly nothing to do. im watching Hamburger Hill, but i also feel the need to use the computer at the same time other wise i feel like im wasting time. Hamburger Hill is such a cool movie. But i still say the martix is the best.

my tricep is really sore. i wish it werent. this means i cant really do pushups too well. i told you guys the flexall 454 story already. so, next subject.

im still amazed at the fact that a fractured finger hurts so little bit. it only hurts when i actually try to bend it a lot. but i guess its only cause its a small fracture. hell i couldnt really see it on the x-ray. it showed up as a small white line. not more than a few milimeters in length too. and it was at the joint too. kinda cool. but still a pain in the ass when i gotta write. or type for that matter. but im so bored. i wish i had more interest than just drill team and riflery. its really hard to think of things to look for.

I like orange juice. hell i like juice in general. i like it better than soda. cause juice can give you vitamins and shit. and you can chug it better than sodas.

im such a looser, my email has only three messages from today, one of them is a mailing list, one of them is a hw assignment, and the other one is a vote on whice school is better. how much of a loser is that? dont answer that... well, just to let you guys know: kawananakoa-1 stevenson-0 so far kawananakoa is the better school w/ and w/o the votes! i knew it, i was right! kawananakoa is the better school. god... i need a life.

hey, did you know that my friend from punahou i think, he wants to meet melissa, but she doesnt know that... but its still funny. she has like a guy magnet on her. i swear, every guy i talk to has got something for her. maybe cept for mike, cause mikes weird... but we wont get into that... but seriously... every guy i talk to has got some crush on her or something... and she doesnt even try. but erin, ahh... *craccCCCKKKKKK* whipped i am. well, now its time for me to leave, so, heres my joke of the entry...

Joke of the Entry:



As a result of DOD budget cutbacks, we are forced to reduce the size of the force. Under CRAP, older soldiers will go on early retirement, thus permitting the retention of lower paid soldiers who represent the Army's future.

A program to phase out older soldiers via retirement by the end of the current fiscal year will be placed in effect. The program will be known as Retire Active Personnel Early (RAPE).

Employees who are RAPEd will be given the opportunity to seek civilianemployment within the Department of the Army. To that end, RAPEd soldiers will be required to fill out numerous DA Forms (currently in the development, test, and evaluation stage) detailing their education and experience. This phase does not guarantee retired soldiers a civil service position; it does, however, guarantee that the soldier's unique capabilities will be considered before being bypassed in the hiring process. This phase of CRAP is known as Survey of Capabilities of Retired Warriors (SCREW).

Soldiers who have been RAPEd and SCREWed may request review of theirsituation by higher authority. This is the Study by Higher AuthorityFollowing Termination (SHAFT) phase.

CRAP policy dictates that a soldier may be RAPEd once, SCREWed twice, but may be SHAFTed as many times as the Army leadership deems appropriate.

If a soldier follows the above procedures, he or she will be entitled to get Half Earnings for Retired Personnel Early Severance (HERPES). As HERPES is considered a benefit payment, any soldier who gets HERPES will no longer be RAPEd or SCREWed by the Army.

The Army leadership wishes to assure younger soldiers who remain on active duty that the Army will continue its policy of ensuring that soldiers are well trained through our Special High Intensity Training (SHIT) program. The Army takes pride in the amount of SHIT our soldiers receive and can boast that it gives its soldiers more SHIT than any other service.

If a soldier feels he or she does not get enough SHIT, see your commander.Your commander is especially trained to make sure you receive all the SHIT you can stand.

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