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2000-04-05 - 22:42:52

I was watching the discovery channel, and well, there was an "On the Inside" about the Air Force Pararescue. Those guys are cool. I mean, i knew about them before, but now i have enhanced my knowledge of them. and i still think that they are totaly kick ass. They do all kinds of neat shit. jump outta airplanes from 40,000 feet, and open their parachutes at 1,000 feet above the ground, go deep behind enemy lines to rescue one man who got shot down in an airplane, or jump into really messy seas to rescue a guy on a boat in a storm. I mean, you should see the shit these guys do... they swim like a mile, do this thing called buddy breathing where you and someone else pass one snorkel back and forth and have to breath through it while being harrased by the instructors, and then they have to take a physcial training test after.

hmm... what else today? oh yeah, i have too many pictures. does anyone else want? i gotta get rid of like a whole bunch more. lets see... 65 at current, 1-crystal, 1-kim, 1-other kim, 1-maybe to melissa, 1-jenna... that leaves 60 more to get rid of. anyone else want?

oh yeah, anderson was afraid to give melissa the link to this page cause of my comment about her in my last entry about her having a guy magnet. i dont really care. infact i think it woulda been cool to see/hear/read her reaction to it. its kinda what leo wanted to do. he wanted to just sit and talk to people he doesnt know and say hes the king of england, but only to see their reactions. i do that a lot too. its actually kinda fun. you guys should try it. well, im gonna go now. i feel bored of this too.

Joke of the Entry:

The Inspection.

The Rangers were having inspection and as the Captain moved on down the line he would check the toughness of each man. The first man he slapped in the face with his swagger stick, "Did that hurt?" asked the officer.

"NO SIR", was the reply.

"Why?" asked the captain.


The captain continued down the line, striking each man in various parts of the body when he comes upon a man with a large penis protruding from between his legs. The captain promptly whacks it with his swagger stick.

"Did that hurt, Ranger???" demanded the Captain.

"NO SIR", shouted the Ranger.

"Why not??"


Previously on - Currentlier

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