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2000-04-13 - 23:41:33

I got me a hair cut today... not as short as i'd like it, but it'll do. i also get outta school early tomorrow. so happy. i get outta espa�ol early. im goin to the doctors to get my left hand index finger x-rayed cause i think i fractured this one too. it must be a testament to my skills as a drill person. in other words, I SUCK!

well, today, the drill team and the track people had to share space. but you know... the track team coaches being the asses they are, they just took our space and made us move. damn fuckers.

i gotta wear my trench coat tomorrow... i dont really wanna, but i need to cause it goes w/ my uniform. from now on, i only wear it on fridays for uniform day. i feel like scum, i lied to erin. i told her i wouldnt wear it anymore... and look at me.. two days later, i plan on wearing it. such a booger i am. someone kill me.

well, i read my two entries in my gb. jenna's happy that shes the first, melissa salty that shes second. and melissa's still salty that she didnt know about me and erin. i mean, so many people made such a big deal about it when we didnt go out, and then when we do, no one says anything! what the hell? its weird... who woulda thought that she wouldnt know? i mean shes like tight w/ the band people who talk incesantly right (coughs the name "crystal")? but, i wont name names...

anyways... are my jokes reall that bad? who cares if their military? dont answer that... and why not read my jokes either way? i mean, if it bothers you that much, all you could do is change the context! thats all you gotta do... well either way, todays joke is not military either.

Joke of the Entry:

Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when

one of the men asked the other, "Fred, how was the memory clinic

you went to last month?"

"Outstanding," Fred replied. "They taught us all the latest

psychological techniques: visualization, association, etc.It was great."

"That's great! And what was the name of the clinic?"

Fred went blank. He thought and thought, but couldn't remember.

Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, "What do you call

that flower with the long stem and thorns?""You mean a rose?""Yes, that's it!"

He turned to his wife, "Rose, what was the name of that memoryclinic?"

Previously on - Currentlier

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