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2000-04-15 - 14:47:03

I am somewhat happy now. i dont have to take math for summer school. now there is no chance that i will have to spend my summer, sitting in class w/ Sam Fong. That would just be brutal. My mother actually saw the light and let me take Modern Hawaiian/ Geography. So fuckin happy! maybe she isnt as dumb as i thought she was... nah.

Well, Jenna was all salty at me for saying that the freshmen did the best. if you dont believe me, go read my gb. its kinda funny if you ask me. people like me for my speaking my mind, yet, if i dont agree with them, they hate me for it. but i dont mind it. if people become less hypocritcal, i would have fewer things to laugh at. and that would piss me off.

a few really interesting things happened to me at registration today. first, when i got there it was about 7:20, and they when i got my #, it was 130, and Jon Lee's was 125. so we were kinda spazing about not being able to get into history, but it turns out rodney and reece had #'s under 100. and rodney had two #'s because someone took when they werent supposed to, so he gave me # 40! so i got way ahead. and then, oki, he really had to take a shit, so i gave held on to his stuff, and i gave jon lee his #... it was about this time that reece took my frosh/soph pics, and started to pass them out to random people. it was really funny. he was just walking around, giving them out to people we barely, and some we didnt know. just walking around, "hey, would you like a picture?" "do you want a pictrue?" and so on and so forth. some of you know what i mean. and then, registration started. so me and jon tried to hide from oki because jon traded his #. but mike found me. so i had to register his and mine so he wouldnt rip my nipples off. it turns out it was better that i registred for him because i got him farther ahead in line. lucky fucker. after i signed the both of us in, i went down into the cafeteria. it turns out i was standing behind erin's mom who was also singing her up for History. i had a short talk with her that consisted of "oh, your erins mom? im ryan." "oh yeah, i noticed you, but i wasnt sure if you knew who i was." *shakes hands* and then we went into sign up for class. but i know im gonna be a little p.o.'ed in summer school, i think gavin tanaka is gonna be in my class. shit. hes such a numb nuts.

well, after i registered, i went outside, and i was talking to oki and some of his frehsmen friends. their cool, they were making fun of oki w/ me. but i still think that freshmen are really weird this year. im affraid to see what comes up next year. scary...

then i went shoping for my trip w/ my dad. next weekend we're gonna hike haleakala. its about 3 days. so that means that i have to spend 3 whole days w/ my pop. oh god... help me... please??? that shoping trip took most of my morning.

and now, i get to go to the dentist. this should be fun. a trip to the dentist. cant wait. look at me run and jump and smile. nah, going to the dentist aint so bad. neither is going to the doctor, or going to the barber, or going to the gynocologist, or... oh wait... i dont have a gyno... at least not officially... none of you read that. clear? clear. i think i should go before i make more of an ass of myself... adios.

Joke of the Entry:

A soldier went into the hospital for surgery after being wounded in battle. Waking up from the amnesties he saw his doctor standing at his bedside. "So tell me Doc, what is did you find out?"The Doctor said, "Son we have some good news and some bad news." "Yea, so???" replied the patient.

"Well the good news is that we were able to save your private parts."

"Yeah, that is good news Doc, but what about the bad news?"

"We put them under your pillow..."

Previously on - Currentlier

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