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2000-04-16 - 23:14:06

I was watching that thing on the Discovery Channel, actually im still watching it, but thats beside the point. Its funny watching dinosaurs do various activites. some of them are just hilarious. one dinosaur tried to attack this really big dinosaur, the ones w/ the really long neck and tail and weigh like 20 tons. well, he had to jump up to attack it, and then i got thrown off the back of the "small" dinosaur, it was kinda staring it down, and then another one, a bigger adult one, just BOOM! smacked it w/ its tail, the alosaurus i think it was called, went down, got up, looked at its assaliant, and fled. kinda funny.

thats not it tho, there was part of a dinosaur that was swimming, its realted to the alosaurus and it lives in the british isle's. anyway, imagine a carnivorus dinosaur that looks like a small t-rex swimming. thats what happened, it was really funny, it looked like it was drowning. and there was another dinosaur that defends its self by turning backwards and flying dirt at its attacker as a way of self-defense.

but by far, the two that really take the bait are the sauropod (i think) for mating, and the sauropod again, for shiting. the sauropod mating is just out of this world. it hops up on the female and imgine two 5 story buildings w/ 4 legs, a neck, and a tail on top of each other. its kinda like elephants, but only on a much larger scale. and the sauropod for shiting because it goes doo-doo about 1-ton per day! imagine that, your just walking along next to a dinosaur, all of a sudden, you see 100 lbs. of doo-doo comming down right next to you. and this isnt the first time either, its happened before, and its going to happen again. and we complain of birds...

well, now for real life stuffs. go look at my gb and sign it too. theres two complete strangers who like my diary. kinda wah-zoo if you ask me. which you of course didnt, but what the hell right? its my diary. and did you know that if you tear your skin off your hand, it really hurts? i just did it, and its not really that sore, but it still hurts.

i actually talked to erin today. Twice in fact! that makes me feel happy. i got to bother her on a weekend for once. hasnt happened a lot since we started to go out. oh and to melissa, if your reading this. IM me so i can talk to you about something (one), whom you neglected to tell me about. see, you get mad at me for not telling you about me and erin, and you go and dont tell me about this person? you know, two wrongs dont make a right. no wonder you go to a public school...

hmm... what else... i really should start to pack for my trip this weekend. im going to maui to hike haleakala w/ my pop. i think i told you this already... yeah, im pretty sure i did... i just realized that i shoudlt be typing this, but only thinking it. thats pretty bad. i hope i dont type some of my thoughts, cause that would just suck... i really do love myself... i really do! uh-oh... i just typed some thoughts i shouldnt have... oh well, im too lazy to hit the back space button. thats not good, but oh well... too late, too bad.

hmm... i've been watching tv all day, cant say theres been much of interest except for this dinosaur show and this elvis movie i was watching. that was kinda funny. well, im outta things to say for now, so i'll go.

oh, from now on, there will be no more jokes of the day unless i run across something not from the Joke of the Day mailing service because people already read those. so, i will probably put up a quote of the entry or something.

"Things that will make you feel better" of the Entry:

talking like a pokemon will make you smile no matter how sad you be. just try. it'll make you laugh at the stupidity of it. just dont use mewtwo or the talking mewoth. try charmander, squirtle, bulbasaur, or pikachu. the evolved ones dont work too well though, so stay away from those.

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