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2000-04-17 - 23:15:54

today? well, today was kinda interesting. i think i pissed off cody this morning. i was in a drill team "meeting" when all he was doing was explaning the sequence rules for the up comming drill meet. and im not in it so i dont give a rip about it. so i asked him, "Do I need to be here? i could be over there bull shitting." he kinda gave me this look and said go den... so i went. i think i really got his goat there...

Hmm... today in the lunch line, i was talking to Jacee, and well, she asked me "So, Ryan. When are you gonna ask out Erin? In like 20 Billion years?!?"

I wittly replied, "Uhm... like one month ago."

"What? Huh? You two are going out?"

"Yeesss....... you didnt know?"

"NO I DIDNT KNOW!" and then the guys in front of us in line looked back at us like we were crazy. "Why didnt you tell me? Your supposed to tell me these things, Ryan."

"Gee... im sorry its just that i thought that it would get around faster." and then she started to ramble on about how if Elizabeth (Lehua) knew, thats when the world would know.

oh yeah, before lunch, in chem. Michael Hirata was sitting in our chem class on the floor to avoid being seen by Lee, he pulled it off for almost the whole period. it was kinda funny too. When she found him, she was saying stuff like "Ahh... excuse me... what are you doing in my class? you dont belong here, you must stay now while i call security." and then he started to walk out. "What class do you have right now? hey, where are you going, you cannot leave here, i have to report you to security." (now imagine her saying that in her "british" accent). and he just kept walking, oblivious to her. she tried to block him, but he just walked right on... that was original. then she tried to chase him as he walked out of the class room. and then she came right back and asked if anyone knew him, but of course no one said anything, then she blamed Gerome for letting him in class, and i think shes gonna get him in trouble. that was just classic.

well, im outta things to say for today. so, i bid thou fareth-well.

Note of the day:

Black trench coats scare people enough to make then run to the other side of the hall way. I wonder what would happen if i were to walk in the middle of the hall way.

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