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2000-04-25 - 23:52:36


I've been waiting for this award since last year... i missed it by ONE FUCKING POINT last year. But now... I got my badge! i am so god damned happy. i can only improve it from here tho, its only a 239 outta 300... i can do better, i shot a 251 in season, so i know i can do better. but i'm also gettin 5th place for cadet challenge too, thats another medal i plan on wearing when i get it! whoo hoo! im so vanity driven, no?

I cant wait till the awards banquet... i want to get my awards and show em off to someone. hopefully erin. then again... think of all the people i can scare if i say, "hey! you know what this badge means???" nah... i wouldnt do that. cause erin and melissa say im a "softy." and that isnt stating my state of physical being okay? its saying that im a push-over and im too nice. that sucks. its really pissing me off, im becoming a softy and an opptomist... well, i'll go now cause i feel hurt...

Quote of the entry:

"I got my expert! I got my expert!"

Previously on - Currentlier

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