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2000-05-07 - 21:47:27

Yesterday was really boring so thats why i didnt update yesterday. but, if you are stalking me and want to know what i did yesterday, here it is. I woke up, went to aikido. came home, watched TV. ate lunch and slept a few hours. i woke up, talked on the phone, and did my usual chat thing. tried to sleep. stayed up till 4 A.M. today and then i slept.

Today on the other hand was a good day. I woke up at 9:30ish A.M. Called Erin to plan for the movie today. Then i ate a good breakfast and got ready to go. I went to go see Frequency. Good movie. then after the movie, i made fun of erin till we both got picked up at the same time. After that i went to go get a hair cut. now my hair looks better again. and then i came home and watched more TV and the usual. so, now i'm here. and i'm really warm. is it hot to anyone else?

well, i'm gonna go now.

Quote of the Entry:

"He who knows others is wise. He whoknows himself is enlightened. He who conquers others has physical strength.

He who conquers himself is strong."

-Tao-te Chin

Previously on - Currentlier

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