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2000-05-08 - 23:50:10

Today... hmm... what the hell happened today? Nothing really important. or funny for that matter. in other words, today was boring.

theres some good jokes i got. so i think that will be the whole purpose of this entry, just to post some lame jokes. hows that sound?

Joke of the Entry:

An Air Force Colonel was driving in the housing area one day and approached

a stop sign. He barely slowed down and ran right through the stop sign after

glancing for traffic. What the officer didn't know was that a security

policeman was watching the intersection. The SP pulled out after him and

stopped the car two blocks away.

SP: "ID Card, License, registration and proof of insurance please."

Colonel: "Before I give it to you, tell me what the heck you stopped me for,

*Airman*."SP: "Watch your tone sir; you ran that stop sign back there!"

Colonel: "Airman, I slowed down, what the heck is the difference?"

The SP pulled out his night-stick and began whacking the Colonel over the

head and shoulders. Bang! Bang! Whomp! Bang!

SP: "Now, you want me to just slow down, or stop!!!?"

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