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2000-05-12 - 19:32:06

This is soooooo cool!

Twenty-one asian-americans are going to be awarded the nations highest military honor: The Medal of Honor. Most of you probably dont know what it is, besides the description i just gave you. Well, to enlighten all you poor souls, the Medal of Honor is a sky blue ribbon that goes around your neck, it has a gold star attached to it at the bottom and on the ribbon, the part in the front has thirteen white stars. for a better description, go to

I highly recomend that you all go to it. just do it for me. if you do, i will forever be in your debt. *The medals will be awarded at the White House sometime next month*

But anyways, the twenty-one medals of honor were announced just today, so dont expect to see them up on any websites for the next few days or so. when they come up, i'll tell all of you. I cant tell you guys how happy this makes me, it means that asians are really getting the respect that was long over-due. I really like this. can ya tell?

anyways... tomorrows the ROTC awards banquet at the Ilikai hotel. yep, the same place as the band banquet. its kinda funny, my friend brian, he was asked to go, with whom i will not tell. but anyways, he doesnt really wanna go cause hes not sure he'll know anyone there, so, hes tryin ta get me to go. i told him, "dude, just go anyways, its free food probably! and its gotta be atleast okay since its at a prestigous, sorta, hotel. just go." i think hes thinking it over.

but anyways... Chris and Cody Koanui came back to school today, they were in florida till wednesday for the National High School Drill Team Competition. They went there to compete in Indiviuals armed exhibiton and to defend their Duets armed exhibtion title. they came back w/ first place in the Duet's. they were telling me of the other schools doing all kinds of crazy shit. but they also told of how the other schools use lighter rifles that are maybe about six-seven pounds, where as the ones we use are maybe nine pounds+.

well, thats all for today. oh, and thanks to melissa who signed my GB. and you maynot have saved the World, but you saved this little world for all of you to come to and laugh at my mis-fortunes which i oft write about. adios.

Quote of the Entry:

"It is not the critic that counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whos face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; and who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victor nor defeat."

~Theodore Roosevelt

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