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2000-05-14 - 18:07:17

Its been a good weekend. Yesterday, i went to aikido in the morning. Then after class i found out i can go to the adult classes which are at night. now this may not mean a lot to all you normal people, but to me it means i can be a cadet ranger candidate and still go to aikido.

after that, i went to kawananakoa, the school i wish i went to. i was part of a parking detail for a family fair. although i didnt do much of anything except tell people to park their car here or there. i got sun burnt too. i also talked to jenna and chris koga and crystal. i then scared crystal w/ a dead fish. she got all salty at me for that one. it was funny.

after that, i went home to go prep for the ROTC Awards Banquet. i showered, and got my clothes ready, then i left for the Ilikai Hotel. when i got there, sgt. koki nor maj. kimura were there yet, so we were all just messing around over there.

when they got there, we all did our practicing thing, and then the people started to come. it was weird...

my guest, (mom, pop, and erin) were the last to come. i was all spazzing out and stuff. but they got there in time for the dinner and after all the other crap. lucky them. i had a good time there. i got my 4th place Cadet Challenge award, which is a 4th place physical fitness award. the only award i got, but, better than i expected.

after the banquet me and erin went on a walk on the beach. we made fun of eachother, pointed out stupid things to each other in a patronizing tone. things like, "ooh... lookie... an airplane, and a star, and water." it was funny. or atleast for us... i guess you had to be there.

then i took her home and i got home about 1 A.M. i crashed. still tired actually. and i woke up at 2:15 P.M. ahh... i like weekends.

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