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2000-05-16 - 23:12:25

Im kinda not happy. I cant go to the Marine Corp. Leadership Camp. I really wanted to go to that one more than any of the others. Stupid Summer School. I wish I could drop it. Dammit Dammit Dammit...

I really am salty about that fact that I cant go. I really wanted to go to that camp. ferret...

Hmm... i finished my second book in two weeks. Starship Troopers was a really good book. Its a whole lot different from the movie. The movie is more about killing bugs and stuff, the book is about social philosophy and structure. It talks about how cruel and unusual punishment is not bad, but a plus, and how the world is classified as civilians and citizens. Its an interesting concept and i highly recommend you all read this book.

well, you know what? today... nothing of real interest happened. today sucked. thats how it was, it was too freakin boring. damn... today was a piece of shit day.

Quotes of the Entry:

"All I have to offer is blood, toil, tears, and sweat."

~Winston Churchill

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly... it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."

~Tomas Paine

"Come on, you apea! You wanta live forever?"

~Unknown platoon sergeant, 1918

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