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2000-05-17 - 23:04:29

Im gonna fail the second semester of Spanish tomorrow. stupid unit exams. im gonna fail miserably. i hate spanish.

you know what other elective i have to take next year? Peer Ed. yeah, me working w/ stupid and retarded people. its like the blind leading the blind. I dont know why they want me to go... i cant work w/ stupid people. stupid people really piss me off. i mean, look at how baddly i work w/ myself, and you think i'll work better w/ people who are football players? god damn... that reminds me how much i hate most football players. stupid freaking dumb asses... stuck up the ass. well most of 'em anyways... some of 'em are okay, but most of them are fucking pricks! i hate them! i wish they would DIE!!! stupid gavin tanaka. stupid damien ______ (i dont know his last name, i dont care either), stupid all them queers who like gavin.

I'm evil... muahahahahahaha... i hate a lot of football players... mr. sasaki knows this too. infact, he told me in the same conversation that he was a football player. and then i told him my intense dislike to hatred of them. I think that kinda P.O.'ed him. but, i dont mind.

Joke of the Entry:

There was an elderly southern widow who lived in a large mansion. She was feeling generous when it came to Thanksgiving, so she called up the local military base, and asked to speak with the lieutenant.

"Please send up four nice young men to eat dinner here on Thanksgiving, but please, don't send any Jews. Please, no Jews."

The lieutenant replied, "No problem ma'am, and I am sure I speak for the army when I say we all appreciate your kindness."

Well, Thanksgiving rolled around, and the widow went to answer the door when it rang. She was surprised to see four of the blackest boys that anyone had ever seen, especially in the South.

"But... But... There must be some mistake," she stammered. One of them replied, "No ma'am, lieutenant Goldstein doesn't make mistakes."

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