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2000-05-19 - 21:54:13

Hola amigos. �Qu� pasa?

I'm in a good mood. i passed the spanish finals for bickel. i got me a 73% and a 76% on yesterdays unit 5 thingy. i feel like a dumb ass cause i got such a low grade compared to all the ass holes in class who know whats going on, but you know what? fuck 'em. i dont like smart people. they piss me off.

that reminds me, yesterday, i was talkin to erin, and she said that earlier she was talkin to trevor (her brother), and well, that dumb ass, he told her that im smart. frick him. damn him. she keeps using it against me. i hate him (no, not really, but you know what i mean). damn damn damn. why do people think im smart? cause i get "good scores" on my SAT's? who cares about SAT's? people may get all scared and shit so they dont make good scores, or on the opposite, maybe they take those prep classes which prep you for it so you get a higher score than you might. i mean, whats the point in SAT's already. its not accuarate of your true intellect, ya know? i mean, we all know im dumb right? so my SAT scores must be bull shit or something.

hmm... entirely off the, i got me a yearbook. i dont know why... but i couldnt pass up a good deal. $20. yep, so, i had to buy it.

im also going to the band banquet to help a friend. my bud Brian Erenheim(sp) was asked by Janie to go. so i convinced him to go cause i hear the halekoa has good food and its a free ticket so, ya know? but anyways, he was asking me,

"hey, okuno. are you going to the band banquet w/ erin?"

"uh... i dont know, shes not even sure if shes going."

"c'mon ryan, tell her to take you."


"so i have someone to talk to!"

"well... dont talk to me, im not the one in band."

"okay..." and then he asked erin to take me in jap. which led to:

"ryan, do you want to go to the band banquet?"

"why? do you?"

"I dunno... do you?"

"i dont know, why do you think i asked you if you wanted to go?"

"well... im not sure if i wanna go either, its thirty bucks."

"well, then... if you dont wanna pay for it, dont go."

"but... i dunno..."

"oh, wait! i know! lets go, that way i can be anti-social like you were at the "rot-see" awards banquet."

"noo... if you go, you cant be anti-social."

"why not? you were..." and so forth and so on. and its all dane's fault. if he hadnt gotten erin the paper, we wouldna had that interesting conversation. but then, this led to another conversation between erin and trevor:

"hey, so, are you going to the band banquet?"


"are you going w/ ryan?"


"damn... now whom i gonna talk to?"


"well, if ryan goes w/ you, i cant talk to you cause your gonna be w/ him!"

"well, you could talk to the both of us."

"i know! why dont you go away and that way i can talk to ryan!" etc. and so forth and so on. and theres another last one i heard about. this one is between erin and dominic presto; kelsey told me about this one:

"hey, erin, your going to the band banquet right?"


"are you taking your G.I. Joe?"


apparently, im now a G.I. Joe. acording to dom, im a "Genitally Impared Joe." Well, just to set the record straight, i do have my own genitals which i was born with. just thought i'd let you know.

oh, and just a little more info thats kinda funny. Brian and Janie dont know eachother. infact, brian didnt even know what janie looked like when he said yes. "then how'd she ask him???" you ask? Janie used an middle-(wo)man. so now, kelsey and erin are trying to get janie to go meet brian. but so far, brian's been busy w/ rotc. so, we have another dillema, how are they going to coordinate clothing. see, i learned something about these things. you have to coordinate clothes. aw shit! that reminds me, i need to find out if i need to get erin flowers even if she tells me she doesnt want them. i wonder if mr. chung's "when a woman says 'no' she means 'no'" thing applies here... damn! so complicated... anyways getting back on subject. brian hasn't even got a clue about who or what janie is. he knows what she looks like through pictures, and what people have told him, but thats it. he has no other clues about her persona. so, this should be interesting. cant wait to find out how it goes.

and finally, does anyone know how the seating goes at that thing? is it open? or is it sign-ups? and if it is sign-ups, can you tell erin when and where? thanks. im outta here to go surf the net for stuff on Carlos Hathcock III, the greatest sniper to ever shoot on this planet.

Patriotic Site of the Entry:*

*- let the page fully load and listen to the song. its really good.

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