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2000-05-20 - 04:15:38

I hate people who say that guns are evil and should be abbolished and shit. they look at the guys who go around killing people with guns. they dont look at the person background with guns.

if you look at the columbine shooters, were they ever in a gun club? were they ever on a rifle team? did they have any formal training with fire arms? no! they didnt. sure uyesugi was an avid shooter, but how often do avid shooters do stupid things like that? hardly! so there you go. people who say that guns are the problem are fucking idiots. its the people who dont know gun safety that do all the stupid things.

if you look at criminals who use guns in crimes, how many of them know how to clean a gun? how many of them know whats the difference in ammuntion? how many of them know how a hollow point bullet works? how many of them have ever tried to accurize their guns? hardly any of them at best! the reason why people kill people with guns is because they dont understand the full power of a fire arm. they think its a toy, you see, us rifle team people, we learn from day one, that a rifle isnt a toy, we learn that a rifle is a tool, a fine instrument. but, idiots like kawada, they think we are mass murderers.

this is what really gets my goat, people like kawada. he thinks he knows all about mass murder and guns and shit. he doesnt realize that everything i just said has valid points. he doesnt know that i would never shoot anyone in a fit of anger, or a premeditated murder. i would rather punch someone than shoot them. and im getting mighty close to punching kawada.

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