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2000-05-21 - 04:48:56

I woke up today and went to aikido and we yelled pretty loud when we were doing weapons. i didnt screw up today too. that made me feel okay.

i went bowling today too. i went w/ carlie, tara, and tiff at fort shafter. we really suck at bowling. i didnt even break 100! i really suck. but i kept getting strikes and shit. sutpid damn gutter balls.

after bowling we went to 7-11 and got slurpees. tara also stole a lot of straw. then we went to carlie's house and watched tv while tara played mother goose on the computer. i want digital cable. digital cable is cool, it has discovery wings. i like that channel now. plus its got the channel w/ big band music. damn...

i also went and got me a new shirt for the stupid band banquet. its a nice black one to go w/ my nice black pants and black shoes and black socks. but noooo... erin doesnt like it, but im too stuborn to go buy a new shirt cause i refuse to wear aloha print. i think it looks stupid on me. and besides, black matches w/ anything, right?

man... its really hot right now. i dunno why, but it is. oh, and thank you everyone who signed my gb. even if i had to ask for it. damn all of you.... okay, well, im going to bed. and nothing you can do about it. bye.

Previously on - Currentlier

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