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2000-05-27 - 02:17:54

Hmph... today was uh... okie-doke i guess.

In rotc, i was instructed to figure out a way to move files from one computer, which is really old, to a new computer. but theres one problem, i cant transfer files from the old one to a disk to move it to the new ones. so that makes my job a hella lot harder. i also got mad at tiffany for giving away my doughnuts. especially when she said she'd give up her doughnuts. so that pissed me off. and then major kimura told us to hide the doughnuts before carlenn saw them. so thats what i did. but tiffany started to call me stingy for hiding them. hell! i had a direct order from the Senior Army Instructor and shes calling me stingy. to hell w/ that. and then ching yee went along with tiffany, so i had to force her to give me my doughnuts by "holding a gun to her head." i used dead cockaroches to get them, shes really affraid of roaches so i picked up a dead one and pursued her with it. it worked well. i got my doughnuts. and i saw frickin period 1 pe w/ mr. chung. they got to play archery. my mother fucking class didnt get a chance to. i wanted to do that sooo fucking badly. i like any shooting discipline. i dont care if its high power riflery to using a water gun. its all good.

period 2... hmm... oh wait, next came advisory period. thats a really stupid thing. i mean, really stupid. i hate it. i express that too. i really really really hate it. i'd rather be in class than that. i dont like my teacher either. ms. quon. shes an ass.

period 2... we charted our calorie intake. i have something like 5770 calories over three days. thats low i think... i need to bring my fat content down though. i wanna hit 110 in another 10 months. either that or hit 125 in muscle. im weird, no?

period 3? i slept and did the usualy nonsense bull shit. oh, i also got bichted out by kristen kato cause i accidnetally signed on someone elses page. how the hell was i supposed to know? i mean, i saw a signiture and stuff so i thought they was done and stuff, ya know? i mean, i dont go around figuring out how to do that kinda stuff. i havent bought a year book since the 7th grade.

period 4... oh yeah... the vocab test which i studdied for. i actually got a 16 outta 20. and jevon got a 14 outta 20 and trevor got a 17 outta 20 and erin got a 18 outta 20 and dane got a 12 outta 20. what a loser is dane? nah, hes a funny loser though. atleast i can call him what ever i like and get away w/ it.

lunch time. i got yelled at by darsie for not sitting next to erin, but i was sitting across from her. i think sitting across is better at the lunch tables cause that way i can "play footise" which is my way of saying, "i get to kick you." and i also get to romantically look into her eyes. and then freak her out w/ my starring. im such an ass yeah? and if your wondering why shes going out w/ me, i know the feeling.

period 5 and 6. same-o same-o. slack and sleep and dont know shit. i hate spanish and math just as much as chem. i hate all dem classes.

after school... what happened. oh yeah, i am now in charge of the rotc web page. i get to command a bunch of freshmen who are higher ranking than me. i think thats funny. im lower but higher. cool. i also get an extra 1/2 credit for doing that. cool yeah? then i ran a mile w/ deyson, taka, leo, and brian. i suck at running. i was a whole 1/2-1/3 lap behind deyson. i should be faster than that. i suck. i mean, brian and taka didnt finish the mile, but i wanted to be able to compete w/ deyson.

then, taka that bastard. he stole most of my soda. hes a funny fucker. leo has these damage counters for his pokemon card game, and taka tried to break it. so when leo was gone, he was throwing them on the ground, and slamming them and doing anything he could think of. then, he decided to throw them against the wall by the concession stand. so he threw it, and then lost it. he later tried to open the concession stand. he got it open. he also stole a bottle of tobasco, an ice cream scoop, a bottle of chile powder and a bottle of brown gravy mix. i took the tobasco, scoop, and gravy mix; reece took the chili powder. being klepto is fun.

well, that was my day. tell me about yours.

no... wait... on second thought. i dont give a fuck about you. you can all go to hell for all i care. die die die.

Quote of the Entry:

"It's a question of mind over matter, I don't mind and you don't fucking matter"

~The Elite, article on Royal Marine Commandos boot camp.

Previously on - Currentlier

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