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2000-05-29 - 18:08:19

Dear GOD!!! i am so tired.

yesterday i woke up at 7 to go running w/ piff. we went to paradise park. and the junk thing is, the last time i ran there it was raining so i used long pants and two shirts, but this time, it wasnt raining and it was kinda warm.

then, i came home and ate breakfast and tried to sleep. the sleeping didnt work out to well... so i kinda went into a half-sleep where your too lazy to move, but still your mind is working.

then, i woke up to shave and personal hyigene. then... i think i went back to half-sleeping. then i woke up and gelled my hair and watched tv. then erin called me and told me that she was leaving as was gonna pick up julie, me, trevor, and dane. she had to pick up trevor and dane cause they couldnt get a ride else where and asked last minute. go figure... they're in band. so, erin came by just as i went down stairs (talk about timing). so i hopped into her mom's 4-runner (sweet) and then she said that they werent gonna take julie cause of trevor and dane. so, that meant that i had to sit next to trevor or dane. anyways...

i had this gift for erin, it was wrapped up pretty good. it had wrapping paper, a box w/ tape, 15 layers of tissue paper, and 10 more layers of news paper. she didnt think that was too funny, but i sure as hell did. well, we picked up dane and trevor and made our way down. it turns out trevor ate before he got picked up and we were all ridiculing him about that.

when we got there, we hung out in the lobby for a while so trevor could find someone to walk with. he didnt wanna walk w/ me and erin, dane and blair, and him by himself. so we waited until we got him to just walk by himself. then i went to go talk to brian E. so we were talking together until we had to go in. then we went in. and for some reason, during dinner and the time ensuing, people really wanted a picture of me and erin together. but they wouldnt let me fuck around and make faces. those people suck.

then tiana them made me take a picture. so guess what? i took pictures at the band banquet. ooh, how luck am i.

after that... they had something or other... and then me and erin tried to leave repeatedly, but it just didnt work out. we tried to leave at least 5 times. and blair was the dumb butt who made us stay. actually it was also dane. but either way. we wanted to go bowling, but all of them were closed by the time we got there so that didnt work out too well. so, me, erin, dane, and erins mom went to likelike drive in. well, actually, erins mom just dropped us off. we ate there and bull shitted around for a while. then dane actually payed for us all. i was so shocked at his act of generosity. that chang bastard... hey payed for us and didnt ask for us to pay him back. the thing is, i dont think i spent a single cent of money last night.

well then erin called her mom to pick us up, and while we were waiting, me and dane were joking around about how guys smell everything and how he hates "yobo's." while we were doing this, this deaf guy came up to us and tried to sell us these cards w/ sign-language on the back for $2. i swear i didnt have any money on me so i had to improv a "no money" signal. lucky thing he understood or we woulda been standing there for a while. and then me and dane started to laugh about how some of the guys are scam artist and then i said "oh man, i hope he really is deaf..." and then erin slapped my arm and said, "thats not nice." and then erins mom came to pick us up. that was that.

erins mom dropped off me and dane. and then we all crashed at out own homes. i woke up at 12:30 today. thats really late for me. i know its early for some people, but its late for me. okie-doke, well. i go now. bye bye.

Funny Thing that happened last night:

Dane wins "Ugimori Look Alike" award

Previously on - Currentlier

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