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2000-05-31 - 03:08:40

today was fun.

in period one, i spent half an hour trying to load a cd on a stupid computer that wouldnt take it. and then we talked about the upcomming game of risk. its gonna be cool cause its gonna be my class per. 1, v.s. reece's class per. 3. we always beat period 3, except for cadet challenge. that sucks. but we're gonna blow em away at risk. our financial status is better so we can afford a long war. cause if this turns into a war of attirtion, we will be better off than them. nuts! i just realized something. that game requires dice. and reece is lucky w/ dice. fuck...

period 2... crusie period. nothing new.

period 3... i like biology. waitaminute... i dont have biology... but yet i was there??? yep, so was yusef. we had fun making fun of freshmen and telling jokes. weso just told us not to be seen. that was cool of her. shes a cool teacher. the freshmen were gutting frogs today. i like that. bunch of em got queasy. i dont know why though.

lunch time- i dont know what happened here...

period 5- i made an ass outta myself here. i was making fun of everyone who was saying stuff. i'd do that copy thing where you re-enforce what they say like:

person 1- "hey, stop that!"

me- "yeah, you heard her! stop that."

person 2- "shut up!"

me- "yeah, shut up! you heard what she said so shut up!"

person 1- "what the hell?"

me- "i know yeah? what the hell???"

etc. and so forth. so that was fun. i also signed jenna and taryn's year books. i got bored so i was lookin at the pictures, i found my name spelled wrong and then right on two pages right next to each other. funny.

afterschool? hell, it was same-o, same-o. we drilled, we threw rifles at eachother. we made fun of eachother. same-o same-o.

but i was tasked w/ something: to find dates to the military ball for leo, brian, and steve. this should be interesting. i think i have leo and brian set. steve... hmm... i'll keep at it. if your interested in going, email at [email protected] thats my new email. aint it cool? well, bye.

Insult of the Entry:

Time- Period 5

Place- Leo's Alge II class

Situation- Cindy is being teased by Leo and Yusef and Cindy is looking for a retort.

Cindy- "Hey, you guys. What's a dickfor?"

if you dont get the joke, ask me to explain it for you.

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