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2000-07-05 - 02:56:03

I had an odd two days.

Last night, me, kawada, and cindy, went to kim's house. we played w/ her brothers N64. i have become addicted to that Tony Hawk game. its fun fun fun. but cindy kept beating me on levels with vert ramps cause she kept doing this one move that you can rack up to points on. it was pissing me off. so i worked on grinding cause she cant do that and airials. but later on i was able to do the rail grab or what ever it is. so i began to win again.

after a while, about say... 1 A.M. we went out to eat. we went to zippy's. man, kawada just got more and more annoying from there. he kept talking and wouldnt shut up. he was strecthing in zippy's too! what kinda idiot gets outta the booth and starts to strech in the middle of a restauraunt? kawada. and then he orders steak and eggs, and he wont shut up about those. argh... dumb ass.

hmm, then we dropped off kawada. and cindy realized she really had to pee, so we drove back to kim's house so she could use the john. and we also picked up the ouija board.

after we left kim's house. again. we went to roosevelt to try it there. stupid thing didnt work. so we went to my house.

at my house we went up to the sun deck and played with it. it "worked" too. i think it doesnt give exact answers, but it has to be left to be interpreted. but it was pretty fun either way. cindy kept getting freaked out. i was just getting tired. we played with that damn thing from say 300 till 430.

then i went home and got in trouble.

latter this morning, due to some fancy lying. i was able to get outta trouble. i was happy.

around 1230, leo came over and we played around w/ our project, tossing ideas here and there and then we left to go get soda's for the beach thingy jenna had.

me and leo went to the party thingy and didnt really converse or anything with anyone but eachother. i have a feeling that people didnt really want us there. we kinda just made fun of people and did nothing much. we almost got blair to pour soda on herself to soothe her headache. and we also went walking around looking at weird people. man, you wouldnt believe some of the stuff we saw. it was funny. and then we left. after that? nothing really much happened. and that was the continuation of yesterday and today.

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