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2000-07-06 - 02:56:32

Ryan really likes "whose line is it anyway?" the british one and the american one are both good. ryan says the american one is getting better and better. but the british one still has its great moments. anyways...

Ryan really hates the football team, but ryan is afraid to stand up to them, all of them. they always travel in packs and if ryan gets caught all alone, ryan is going to be in deep shit. that is because, the packs they travel in are the size of half the defensive line. ryan cant really compete with half the defensive line. ryan can handle maybe one, two at the most. but the whole defensive line!?! man, thats crazy. ryan knows that hes going to die soon. oh well. ryan will go down fighting. especially now that ryan carry's an umbrella. with an umbrella, at least ryan has a defensive object. hook their legs, trip them, hit the over the head with the handle. ryan has many more options now. ryan just may have a chance against one of them. no he doesnt.

ryan is slowly getting crazier and crazier. ryan doesnt know why, ryan just is. ryan is really going nuts. ryan is getting more and more health concious. even the slightest greasy food upsets ryan's stomach. ryan's mentality is becoming more and more like a stereotypical girl. ryan thinks he is getting fat. ryan needs to go running and do exercises and lift weights. ryan is messed up.

ryan is really going nuts. and for more reasons that ryan is willing to let on too. ryan knows whats really getting to him, but is not willing to let others to help him cause ryan is afraid of people knowing. ryan does not want people to know ryan's problems cause ryan feels weak. and weakness is one of the bane's of ryans life. ryan musn't be weak, but ryan knows his weaknesses. and knowing them makes ryan weaker cause ryan will not face his weaknesses. ryan needs to confront them. but that would mean that ryan would need to confront half the defensive line of the football team. and ryan knows thats suicide. ryan stands no chance of survival. ryan is going to die. but ryan will take one of them with him.

why is ryan so afraid of half the defenisve line? ryan knows that they do not know how to fight objectively. they will only charge, and throw punches and kick ryan when hes down. ryan knows how to counter almost all of those moves. but ryan is still afraid. ryan knows that they do not know pressure points, ryan does. ryan knows where to hit to make them in-effective fighters, ryan know how to prevent a punch from connecting. ryan knows all those things from years and years of aikido and from reading up. but yet ryan is still afraid. why is ryan afraid? ryan knows how to take care of himself, but ryan is still afraid. ryan is confused. hell, ryan wont even walk anywhere alone cause ryan does not want to get into a god damned fight. but ryan knows it will happen one day. ryan knows that ryan's affiliation with reece and rodney has caused them to get involved. maybe ryan should end all alliances with everyone to protect them. but then ryan would most certainly get beaten up cause ryan has no one to stay with. ryan will have to defend himself one day against them. but ryan fears that day cause ryan knows what can happen to them. ryan will learn to face them face to face, man to man. the only question is when. ryan is going to die in the process. ryan will die in the process. ryan will die in the process. ryan is going to take them down with him.

questions before ryan leaves that everyone will have to answer. why has ryan let his whole life become controlled by the fear and hate of the football team? and why is ryan becoming more and more crazy? answer them now.

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