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2000-07-07 - 02:25:59

i think im getting better at this whole "ignore those fuckers" thing. today, whats his face, kenny was swearing at me and flicking me off, and i just walked past his fucking stupid ass. but, if they continue to pester me, i got me a new weapon. a nice solid cane. it was my grandfathers that i never really knew. makes me feel somewhat closer to him. i guess its the fact that since i never knew him, but now im using something of his to bust a few skulls, its like im getting to... okay, you know what? its really perverse that im thinking that me busting heads open with a posession of an long dead ancestor can help me get closer to him. man... im fucked up. either way, im gonna break a few bones, crack a few skulls, and kill a football player or two if they fuck with me too much.

you know what makes it scarier? my parents said if i dont go talk to admin, then they will. i tell them that it aint gonna do shit cause they're vars. football. they can get away with murder. right? but i swear, if they talk to the admin. i am fucked. cause that would mean that they're all gonna get called in, then they're gonna think they know it was me. then im gonna get jacked. and i can take one of them with my cane, but the whole fucking team?!? you've gotta be fucking crazy! i am so fucking fucked up. and i can tell cause of my excessive use of profanity even for me. im going to die. im going to die. im going to die. oh well. take one of them with me before i go down. or at least break one of their arms while im at it. something to take with me to the grave, ya know?

Previously on - Currentlier

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