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2000-07-08 - 02:28:28

I have charm.

I know none of you understand what i am saying, but i have charm.

how many times have i charmed people? too many to count. think about it. i've charmed all of you in one way or another. by "charmed" i mean, i've gotten all of you to not be able to get mad at me one time or another. think about this, how many times have i made fun of you and not hurt your feelings? how many times have i hit you and not hurt you physically? how many times have i cause you great anguish but yet you all still talk to me and ask me to do things and so forth and so on? i know i have done this. take erin for example. im constantly making fun of her, im constantly hitting her (not the kind that i would to say kenny, but playfully), im constantly doing other shit that someone else say... kawada would cause you people to get pissed at. but yet? we're still the greatest of friends. okay, so you say, "but she likes you!" well then, lets take... say, cindy. i've known cindy for not very long and i make constant fun of her. but yet, we're still fairly good friends i'd say. now, lets see, when do i not make fun of her? hmm... try close to never. and yet she still talks to me and goes places with me. hmm... lets try someone whom i've known for a while too. lets say... jenna. i constantly make fun of her too, and shes been around the block when it comes to me making fun of her. im always causing trouble to her and making fun of her too. and yet again, another one comes back. in fact she said something like, "but when ryan makes fun of you, it doesnt make you angry." i mean, right there. she may not have said that i have charm, but its obvious that i do charm when you think i do have charm. give it some thought.

hmmm... i like our new summer school teacher. shes cool. we were talking during class and she makes fun of people just as i do. i mean, she doesnt make fun of me cause we normally make fun of other people. its fun. i like that class.

oh, i also got my new cd from mori. good cd. it has such classics as Theme from Shaft by Issac Hayes; Sabatoge by the Beastie Boys; and contemporary hits such as I dissappear by Metallica; and Guerilla Radio by Rage Against the Machine. very good shit.

ah yes, my dad also called the school about me and the football players. you'd be amazed at what admin said about the football players. they called them stupid, idiots, and by far, my most favorite: "fuckers. oops! i mean stupid idiots." but anyways. they said that they'd talk to them about it, called the class they were in the class from hell, and to go to them if they did anything else to me. i think once they realize that it was me, or jump to the conclusion that it was me just so they have someone to blame, my cane is going to go to good use. break a few heads. im fucked.

anyways... i also got to watch dogma again today. rented the movie. i like that movie. if i had money, i'd buy it. i cant wait.

okay, well i think i've done enough psychological damage to y'all especially w/ me talking about how i have "charm." buh bye.

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